I don't have seven LiveJournal friends, and it's been nearly 6 months since I last posted here, but how can I resist the sultry charms of
So, seven quirks about myself. Time for some embarrassment!
i) I have to keep my hands constantly occupied, otherwise I revert to two year-old behaviour and suck my fingers (index and middle finger of left hand). I have been known to do this at work, although so far without detection.
ii) Wooden cooking implements disgust me. I literally shiver with horror when I touch them (although this does soon pass).
iii) Likewise corkboard. Corks in wine bottles are fine, but the backs of heatmats...eeeee...
iv) When people say "Oh dear", I automatically launch into the following in my head:
Oh dear, what can the matter be
Two old ladies stuck in the lavatory
They were there from Monday 'til Saturday
Nobody knew they were there.
Sometimes I do this out loud.
v) I am so ticklish that I can be tickled without contact. Fingers moving in a tickling fashion within a two metre radius send me into paroxysms of shrieking laughing and cringing. If you try this on me I may kill you afterwards.
vi) I cannot pronounce the word "bald" properly. I know it should be pronounced "balled" as in "his fist was balled", but I pronounce it like..."bolled". "bold" is "bowled" to me, and they sound different in my head, but apparently to normal English speakers I cannot speak properly.
vii) I have the mental attitude of an overly polite 12 year old. When I swear, I don't pronounce the vowel sounds; I can't say the word "sexual" without giggling, and have to say it with a lisp instead; and so on.
Well, that was embarrassing.
In other news, I have been promoterated. I sat in a meeting about production accounts and almost understood it, and didn't seem to make a complete fool of myself in one day - tomorrow, however, I am being required to make "a report". What this report entails I do not know, but I fear it will be frightening and unknown.
Good thing I've got HobNobs in my desk drawer, then. A man is never lost with a chocolate biscuit and a cup of tea at his side.