Et voila, my home in pictures!
One side of the kitchen area. Featuring washing up I can't be bothered to put away yet. The strange bowl-like object is a popcorn maker that, although it doesn't make a huge amount like my old one, doesn't leave hordes of unpopped kernels strewn all over the floor.
The sink is fearsome; the washing machine backs sudsy water up midway through its cycle, and the floor shakes when you run the cold water too hard. I think it's just dodgy plumbing.
The other side of the kitchen. No, I haven't washed up my chopping board from doing my sarnies this morning, and I don't know why the air freshener is there...
The cooker is a marvel; a proper gas doodad with four working hobs and a decent oven. So many places I looked at either had communal cooking or next to nothing - one place had two measly electric hobs plugged in to the mains and that was it! I may be paying through the nose but it's definitely worth it for stuff like that I think.
First side of kitchen plus sofa bed and bookshelf. The sofa bed has some manky marks on it but hey, it came with the flat, I'm not bothered. There are more books, DVDs etc. in storage at home and in the cupboards here (which I don't think I've photographed, as they're most of a boring wall); I think I've ended up being slightly pretentious in that I've tried to keep out some of my uni books in the vague hope that I'll get so bored I'll try reading some of them for pleasure, but I don't think that'll be happening any time soon.
The lion is called Aslan. I have had him for over ten years. I can't be entirely grown up, now can I?
"Bedroom" area and workstation. IKEA is my friend; I don't think it's bad for the price, and I actually mostly put it together myself which is no mean feat given my cackhandedness! You can't see how shiny the laptop is from there; suffice to say it's very shiny. It has Zen-garden style ripples on the lid. Mmmm.
The tastefully bland duvet cover was not my idea, it was a present. I was happy with the single duvet I had before, but relatives like to smarten me up...
A really rather pointless shot of the bed again. Not sure why I took this one. The entry phone doesn't work as the cables outside are buggered.
Note the old printer by the bin! My one credit card entry for April is the new one (see previous picture) which was half-off in Argos but mostly bought because I needed a scanner/copier thingy so I could take copies of everything ever (like the bailiff notice for the previous tenant's outstanding £500 in Council Tax...). Not sure what I should do with the old hunk of junk; it consumed ink like George Best and dried out every vac, but it did see me through university... (note this has nothing to do with why I haven't thrown it out, I have no sentimental attachment to it at all, I just don't really want to put it in the kitchen bin).
The telly and the bathroom. No-one wants to see the bathroom/loo; it's pokey but functional and doesn't have mildew or anything so I'm happy. The telly is a little useless as I have no reception, at the moment I just use the Xbox360 as a media centre for streaming videos off the PC as I've finished all the games I bought for it and there aren't any decent ones out at the moment; under the table somewhere is the World's Cheapest PVR which gets very temperamental about actually naming anything it records...
There we have it. Nothing especially earthshattering, but it does me very nicely and it has room to swing a cat in (I don't know why the front door has a cat flap; ewe're not allowed pets (or pictures on the walls, hence the sparseness)). I'm only tied in for six months' rent so if all goes pear-shaped then I'm not tied down forever, but it's pretty nice and I'm happy for the moment.
If only I didn't have to go to work tomorrow. Bah.