2007 wasn't too interesting for me. Good though; t'wasn't a bad year.
Last Year...
- Attended FC, was awesome.
- Dull slooow start to the year otherwise.
- Went Wales, car broke.
- Worked more...
- Attended meets =D; Awesomestuff too.
- Very nice Christmas+new year, apart from Norovirus paying a visit.
Soo, this year:
- FC and MFF!?!. I can get away with this because they're in different financial years, and I won't be going FC09.
- More meets.
- I'll probably be at CF too for a couple of days, because getting there is freeee :p.
- Off the graduate course at work; essentially a promotion. Work better get more interesting too :p.
- Possibly move closer to work, especially if hose prices (and thus rent) drop as predicted.
And Resolutions to be made:
- Be less closed! More Open n..n. Especially in RL.
- Need to get some sort of qualification/certification in my line of work, out of hours if necessary.
- Work on art.. Consistency, less messy sketches, anatomy.
- Focus on and finish one of my 'projects' n..n
Oh, and for anyone stumbling upon this and expecting the newer stuff from my journal, get me to add you as a freind. It's been read only since Jan 08.