ugh. erin just changed the channel and there was good ol' chuck norris in tighty-whitey's. thanks!
¤ so, i now work at Peet's Coffee and Tea. *twirls finger in the air*. oh well, it's a paycheck [which i am in need of] plus i am pretty sure i get free iced tea, seeing as how i don't particularly enjoy coffee. this is however going to cut into my doing-nothing time [which i have grown accustomed to]. so yeah. i start tomorrow at 10:30 [to 3:30].
¤ also, i got a 94% on my political science test [which brings my grade up to an 86% after in 2 tests and a book report that i kicked ass on. we rented some movies i can do review reports on for extra credit [such as "born on the 4th of july"]. so it seems that my grade will be up in no time.
¤ other news:
Just because youre profane doesnt mean youre not
hilarious. You're the unique kind of joke
people remember for a long time.
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