Fudge Ripple #16, Cookies N Cream #27 - the butterfly touches of thought are bitter.

Mar 22, 2011 20:23

Author: Thai
Challenge: Fudge Ripple #16 - suspicion, Cookies N Cream #27 - push
Extras: Fresh Blueberries - The Night has a thousand eyes, / And the Day but one; / Yet the light of the bright world dies / With the dying sun. / The mind has a thousand eyes, / And the heart but one; / Yet the light of a whole life dies / When love is done. - Francis William Bourdillon
Rating: PG
Story: blood princess
Timeline: Godhood arc
Word Count: 636

She was lucky to have her daughter, she knew, but at the same time she didn't feel very lucky.

She was lucky to have been left a princess when the Black Glass shattered her life, as easily as if itself had been glass. She was lucky, to have a queen in the making, even if there would only ever be one queen after her, even if she would have to be content with only one princess with dark blue eyes.

But there was doubt in her. There was doubt, and it whispered at the edge of her mind whenever she watched her daughter struggle to force feathers out of her human fingers, whenever she heard the relief in her daughter's sighs when her wings shed their plumage. She had always known her daughter would struggle - the sole daughter of the queen, all the responsibilities on her, not allowed to know the truth of why when she flew, she flew alone.

The doubt was cool and smooth, and it beat at her with crystal fists, shards of suspicion digging deeper into her skin with every gasping, labored shift. The day came, finally, when her daughter simply looked at her and began to cry, too human to admit what she was - broken, immendable, a creature sickening in its pitiableness.

Perhaps that was when Izdihar stopped loving Asma.

*godhood, character: asma, !pg, #cnc, character: rocmother, @fresh fruit: blueberries, #fr

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