South Carolina Bound

Apr 13, 2009 21:13

My friend of 30 years was coming down the stairs and got tripped by the dog. She only fell two steps but that was enough for her to break her left leg at both the tibula and fibula but also to break her right shoulder. Ouch. Due to the joys of insurance pushing people home sooner than they should really go home she's been home for awhile. She's in the middle of a divorce and because of the nature of her breaks she can't be alone for more than a couple of hours at a time. Her two daughters, one who is married and 25 and the other who is a junior in high school, have done the best they can but the 25-year-old has had to go back to work. The 17-year-old, well, she's a teenager and while she's done what she can it sounds as if she's been less than gracious about it all. Not that I can really blame her. The older daughter, Tara, has taken time off from work but has had to go back or lose her job.

Which is as short-winded as I could make it explanation of why tomorrow I'm getting on a plane and flying to Columbia, SC for ten days. Not my idea of a fun vacation, even though it will be nice to see my friend. I'm going to spend my vacation time and money cooking, cleaning, etc for an invalid, as well as transporting her to and from doctor's appointments. I'm happy to do it. I know she would probably do it for me.

I've wanted to post but the last couple of weeks have been all about taking care of sick kitties, dealing with a mother who isn't crazy about me being gone for that length of time, and dealing with just trying to get organized enough to leave town for that long. Considering I'm really not organized by nature it's been harder than I would have liked. The kitties saw the suitcase come out today and they are definitely not happy.

Anyway, hopefully while I'm gone I can get online via the laptop and catch up with what I've missed. I hope all is going well for the rest of you.