Just stuff about what I've been up to

Jul 15, 2006 18:16

Wow. I just checked and it's been over a month since I've posted. It's not that I haven't had anything to say. In fact I think it's that I've had a lot going on and thus too much to say so when I think about updating I put it off. I'm lazy by nature, as most of you know. I guess I'll give a brief update on what I've been up to for those who might be interested.

First fun thing I did was go to Colorado and spend time with kelliem and ardent_muses. I ended up staying a couple days longer and Kellie, her kid unit, and myself went to see the first showing of Superman Returns. I loved the movie. Of course, while I was there we visited the Cheese Warehouse. A not small amount of money changed hands while I was there, but I was a happy camper. Of course, the best part of the trip was spending time with two of my most favorite people in the whole world. ::hugs Kellie and Ardent::

I spent the 3rd and 4th of July with my folks. On the 3rd they always have people over for dinner before going over to watch fireworks at the golf club. Mom is having to come to terms with the fact that she's getting older and can't do as much as she used to without help. She's fighting this. Hates getting old, which I don't blame her. Thankfully she's trying hard to relax and ask for help...which is why I spent time helping her. It's amazing that she asked, to be honest.

Speaking of my folks, I should say that Bud is doing great. He's back to using his cane instead of the walker and just seems to get stronger every day. He says that before the summer is over he'll get out on the golf course, and I wouldn't bet against him. Mom is having a lot of trouble with tinnitus and TMJ. Enough trouble that when the dentist suggested she go to a chiropractor she actually went!! You have to know my mother to realize what a huge thing this is for her because she's never considered chiropractors to be "real" doctors and rolled her eyes a lot when I went. She and I went into Omaha the other day for her doctor's appointment. I had learned that Omaha has a new Whole Foods store and I even had her convinced to go, but things conspired to keep us from having the time. *sigh* Oh well, I'll just have to make a special trip. We got caught in a really nasty thunderstorm coming back. 70 mph winds and torrential rain along with hail. Summer in Nebraska sure can be fun! Thankfully we hit the worst of it at Wahoo so we were able to stop and wait for the worst of it to pass before heading home.

Oh wow. I almost forgot to mention that last weekend I went to my 30th high school reunion. It was interesting. I saw some people I was really happy to see and we had a good time. I also saw people I could have really gone the rest of my life without seeinng, but realized that unlike high school I didn't give a crap about what they thought of me. The dinner on Saturday night was held at the Smoky Hill Vineyard and Winery. Now then, Kansas and wine were not two words that would normally go together for me, but I found out that before prohibition Kansas had a thriving wine industry and it actually wasn't bad at all. The wine was free at the party so we all drank a bit more than we should have and a few of us got a bit catty about who had gone under the knife or had a little botox work done. Other than that bit of cattiness we all just relaxed and had a good time.

The really weird part of the weekend was driving around town and seeing how much the town had grown and changed. Can you believe that the people who moved into my old house had the nerve to *change* it? Don't they know they're supposed to leave it as a shrine to my childhood? *g* What surprised me is just how small the house seemed. I remember it being much larger than that.

As some of you know I've had computer issues over the past few months. I'd decided, after putting almost $500 into repair bills that if it broke down again I wasn't going to throw any more good money after bad. So yesterday I went to get on to do some work and guess what? Yep, it wasn't working. True to my word I got in the car, drove to the local Best Buy and bought myself a new computer. No way was I going to miss what people had to say about the premiere of S3 of SGA!! I realize I probably should have done research on what was the best type to buy, but I couldn't really get online to do any research. I ended up getting what Kellie referred to as a "smokin'" system. I feel a little guilty at how much I spent, but considering how much time I spend on the computer between work and play I think it was worth it. I now have a 300G hard drive with 2G of memory. Plus I got a 21" wide screen monitor and Bose speakers. Wheee! I'm still figuring everything out, but so far I'm liking it a lot. The only bad thing is that my dvd recorder isn't working and I'd planned on getting a new one. That's going to have to be put on hold for now, so I can't screencap SGA. Of course, there are plenty of people doing screencaps, but I've always enjoyed doing them for myself. Maybe I can get the old one working somehow.

Speaking of SGA, let me just say that I was so pleasantly surprised by last night's episode. Lots of great stuff. I'm so glad it's back!

Okay. I need to get back to figuring out how this machine works and to see just what I've lost from the old computer. Hope you're all aving a good weekend!

rambling, real life
