Mar 22, 2008 19:00
this year has been passing pretty quickly. soon enough it will be 2009!
muy rapido indeed.
right now suffering at home because being an IDIOT i left my glasses back in sd and cannot see past half a foot in front.
miserable indeed.
so the little thing i'm grateful for today is GLASSES. i hope my eyesight does not increase. i knew something was not right with my unbelievable luck today. what a price to pay for time.
of the five senses i definitely definitely value eyesight the most. it makes up so much of me and my life and i would miss my observing, my reading, my visual learning, etc. maybe it's a good time to sharpen my other senses.
por supesto, indeed.
one thing i noticed about myself is that wehever i'm with someone who worries more than me then i am the chill and relax one trying to calm them down. likewise when i'm with someone much more calm and cool then i get all riled and start acting worried. whether or not i actually am=, i'm not quite sure. i don't think so, but it feels like i want to also cause the other person to panic too. really don't like that feeling because afterward i start regreting and thinking why did i act like that when i clearly did not mean to?
misterioso indeed.
No one means all he says, and yet very few say all they mean, for words are slippery and thought is viscous. -Henry Brooks Adams, historian (1838-1918)
i wish it weren't like that though, but impossible. i keep telling myself that there is no one way to act and that each situation must be assessed. but that is harder done than thought. how do you assess someone and a situation especailly on the spot and accurately or to the best advantage?
dificil indded.
"That's not you" "I wasn't myself" "That's not like you" What does that mean? I think that no matter what way i'm acting, it's all me and all part of my personality. it may not be "normal" because other aspects of the personality come into effect. People can technically all acti or be like other people, but it is in their "normal" personality that they are most comfortable with and that aspect they choose to focus on. some people may focus more on generosity, humor, anything... it's whatever part they feel like showing, but everyone is capable of everything. they just regulate different quantities and extremes due to what ummmm situation they grew up in, friends they have, environment, etc. so i think that however i act is all me, just sometimes i feel more like showing other sides too. X] oof, i could have condensed that but oh well.
extrano indded.