Testing if a zone is probably CRZ'd

May 23, 2013 03:33

Disclaimer : This method will only tell you with a very high probability if a zone possibly has CRZ active for it. It isn't necessarily 100% accurate as it's based on observations from someone who is NOT a Blizzard employee.

For this method essentially what we will be doing is looking at the connections the World of Warcraft client makes out in four situations :

(a) At the character select screen
(b) In a zone that isn't CRZ enabled (eg Stormwind)
(c) In a zone adjacent to the non CRZ zone
(d) In the Barrens world event.

What you need to find out before hand.

You need to find out a way of looking at the connections wow has open. There's a wide variety of ways of doing this so choose the method that's comfortable for you.


I use a custom bash script I wrote for this :
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