Every year I look forward to the New Year. Not for the celebration--I could give a damn about over-sized balls and
kissing competitions. A few drinks, well, that's another story. I look forward to New Year's for the clean slate. Okay, so I didn't get to this, that or the other throughout the year. This is the one day of the year that is a wake-up call, a chance to get priorities organized, and to create a giant to-do and giant not to-do list for the coming year.
- Remember that words are like promises and when I shoot my mouth off about anything, I better mean what I say.
- I need to improve my eating habits. Although I care about my weight, I care about my health more. I tend partake of the emotional carbohydrate loading rollercoaster far too often. I, generally speaking, don't gravitate towards healthy foods. Health problems that can be related to eating habits run in my family. I want to make good choices.
- Be not afraid to try new things. I wanted to take a belly-dancing class and a TKO class at the gym this year, but was afraid to try it. I was afraid that I would look silly or mess up, etc.
- I want to start making choices for myself. I listen to what others think far to often and end up making decisions that, quite frankly, are not my own at heart. However, because I choose to follow the advice of others, the decisions made might as well be my own. I'm the one who needs to live with my choices, I may as well be happy with them.
- I need to start a project and finish it. I get wrapped up in trivial, daily tidbits and forget what really matters to me.
- I need to give myself time for creative pursuits every day. I make one hour for myself every day to run, why haven't I altered my schedule to include, at the very least, one hour of creativity a day?
- Keep exploring new ideas and such. I'm having a great time with the series of stock photos that Dustin helped me shoot. I need to do great things with them.
- Come to an understanding that one day off per week is a necessity. I become obsessed with hitting a certain amount of miles per week or running at a certain pace. This is one reason I spent six months on the injury list.
- Easy days are supposed to be easy. I begin to run everyday all-out and then when all-out is too much, one pace is my only pace--slow.
- Take my time with coming back from this injury. I can already see myself rushing this. Six months is a long time. I need to build back up slow.
Do I by any stretch feel that I will accomplish every single item on this list? No. However, the intent is to keep it in mind, then do what I can to embrace and achieve each of them.