Short story (untitled)

Jun 24, 2009 14:25

by M.J.Bentley

The stars were bright in the dark sky above me. 
I stood on the roof top of my school, feeling the strong breeze whip my hair around my face. 
I took a breath and pulled off the heavy jacket I wore, dropping it to the floor. Revealing the heavy metal brace I had constructed to conceal my affliction, it kept it all in with little questions. If anyone asked me about it, I said it was my spine curved wrongly in my body and no one asked more questions. Sadly that wasn't the case, that would have been acceptable and easy, my deformity is complex. Something that shouldn't be appearing in man let alone a girl, I was the same as my brother. 
I released the straps on the brace and it fell to the floor, with a heavy crash of metal hitting concrete of the flat roof.

My wings stretched out, behind me. 
They stopped the breeze blowing behind me, it felt fantastic to have my wings open wide like it was meant to be, but it wasn't meant to be. From a young age we were told that wings don't belong, that man wasn't supposed to fly. 
I felt my wings gently moving, building strength. I want to leap over to the edge to see if my fate is to crash to the bottom like my brother or reach the stars.

I step up on the ledge, my toes in my old boots over the edge. My balance keeps my body from falling like a stone in a pond. 
I took a deep breath and then took the leap of faith away from the ledge, throwing myself into the empty space ahead.

I was stronger than my brother, I flew. I took it like I was born to it, as my Grandfather would say. 
It didn't last long as my wings were weak as I hadn't worked them properly, keeping them locked in a cage trying to protect my normality. No not mine but to the world, I was built this way. I may be a freak of nature but I truly didn't care for the swell of hormones filling my body spreading joy in my mind and soul as I flew through the air.

It would have to be a secret just the same as before, I pick up the brace and place it over my wings packed closely back in place. Pulling the straps as tight as I could without causing pain or damage, putting them under wraps to the horrified eye.

Allowing my journey to begin...

short story fiction original writing

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