With the death of Dr. Tiller, I've seen a lot in the news and on blogs about abortion. About definitions and how people feel and think. And I have a question.
Are you pro-choice, pro-life, both, or neither and why?
*I'm leaving this an open post so people can post anonymously if they wish, but I'll lock it down to friends once the dialog is
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Comments 32
Since these are just wishes, I am pro-choice.
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I know that I, after a couple of mistakes of my youth, have decided that I'm not having intercourse with someone I'm not willing to spend the next 18-21 years dealing with, at least cordially, because honestly, that's where my ability to have a true effect on the decision ends.
I, personally, have the standard cultural qualms after the fetus gains potential viability outside the womb (and thus becomes a baby); however, I feel current general guidelines are fairly appropriate. I wish that it was more widely available, so that the only reason to have a late-term abortion was health & welfare issues.
Then again, I'm also pro-education, contraception and such, as to further eliminate the occurrence of abortions.
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