Thoughts on Norwescon 33

Jun 15, 2009 13:23

Hi everyone,
So like always my insanity kicked in. I have put my hat in to be the head of Staff Support for Norwescon 33. This time I am already plotting and planning and since I know what the job was like last year, this will be so much easier. I already have 2 people to work with me but I am going to be looking for a few more. I am making sure that I am well staffed and that a schedule will be made so that everyone can enjoy the convention.

Now all I have to do is (this isn't my full list...just the silly stuff):
Get the list of food allergies, dietary restrictions, etc. Get names with each and what department they will be working in.
A ninja suit (size XL- mens)
A set of Food Ninja T-Shirts (L-XL-Logo and Picture TBD)
2 Large Crock Pots
A small chest freezer or access to a chest freezer to store food items in
6 small ice chests (I only actually need these for the convention and even the cheap disposable ones will work)
Personal Ribbons to hand out to people
A LOT OF MONEY!! (lol...there is never enough money to do exactly what someone wants to)

Well, that's about it for now...
Have a good one

norwescon, staff support, conventions

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