MadMen and the Jersey Shore Connection

Aug 19, 2010 11:01

Okay! okay!  I confess! I watch Jersey Shore!  I can't seem to help myself.  The cast's antics can be very amusing.  Though I feel my IQ lowering several points watching them, the relationship scenarios and social interactions can be surprisingly insightful.  In catching up on JS season 2, I was VERY surprised to realize similarities to one of my favorite shows Mad Men. 

1.  People talk shit about each other all the time but when one is confronted by someone else about overhearing said "shit", it's best to admit it and apologize rather than pretending ignorance/innocence when you know what you've done: for example, the Kenny Cosgrove and Pete Campbell showdown at lunch versus the Angelina and the girls of JS season 2.

2.  Men and women view sex quite differently.  Men can easily detach themselves from any emotional connection whereas women cannot.  It hasn't changed from prewomen's lib to today, although we can try to fool ourselves.  IE.  Don and his secretary and how he turns the hookup into a business transaction and is able to go one with the day to day interaction whereas she has a breakdown during the Pond's research session and ends up throwing a vase at him.  This is similar to  Angelina hooking up Pauly D (off the show, they just mentioned the incident),   and where in one drunken stupor, she gets upset when he hooks up with other girls and confesses that she loves Pauly D and hopes to one day marry him and ends up smacking him upside the head during drunken stupor.

3.  This leads me to my next point which isn't a new idea, but I'm just making the link.  Alcohol, alcohol and more alcohol makes you stupid.   Drinking massive quantities of alcohol lowers inhibition and often you make stupid decisions that in a sober state, you would not do.  Using an example from MM season 3, don't drink and drive... a lawn mower....  Who knows... You could lose a foot...  And again with the foolish hookups... ie. Don sleeping with his secretary, which leads her to being fired after her meltdown and he ends up with this horrible secretary... and the guys ending up with grenades... Most surprisingly, Vinny ending up in bed with Snookie (although, I can sort of see something there b/c in a sober state, Vinny mentioned how hot Snookie looked...  hmmm...)

4.  Which brings me to my last point.  Girls... you have more power over men than you think.  Guys will try to have sex with you and it's your prerogative to say no and I think they'll respect you more if you make them wait...  IE.  Peggy and her bf and Peggy's' conversation with Freddie.  "If you want men to respect you / to get married, don't have sex with him."   IE, Ronnie and Sammi, not necessarily the same situation in today's world, but it's comparable to the random hookup, the guy will not think ttwice about the girl he hooked up with the night before AND, when he crawls back into YOUR bed after he's partied the night away with random girls, just say,  "NO (to herpes)!" Even the roommates agree how awful he's being to her behind her back.

mad men, jersey shore

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