Quotable Quotes True Blood S3 x04

Jul 11, 2010 23:42

First of, I want to say that someone made a mistake in releasing the  preview for ep 5 last last week and it was major spoilage. My fault  though... I keep looking for spoilers... Note to self avoid spoilers at  all cost!

Quotable quotes/ scenes:

This episode  was neither awful nor great... except for a lot of nudity.... (Alcide...  Sookie's awesome abs... jealous... Pam's awesome abs... even more  jealousy... (edit: and Oh yeah, Yvetta too.   All these great bodies... I'm going to have to hit the gym...)

I'm kind of hard pressed for good quotes tonight  so.. this is going to be kind of a mashup of quotes and scenes...

Sookie  as she's bandaging Alcide's shoulder pauses on the bandage, hands  almost caressing, eyes looking everywhere: Almost done... and then hottie McWolfie looks over wondering at the hold up.. and then saved by  the bell...

Bill calls Sookie and breaks up over the phone.  (edit:  Watching heartbroken Sookie sobbing her heart out was particularly heartbreaking.  But Alcide talking about his nut-sac getting sucker kicked provided for some much needed levity...)

Any  rebound sex between Sookie and Alcide is ruined b/c he's either a  chicken or too much of a gentleman to take advantage... as he runs off  to (unfortunately), put a shirt on.

It's Eric's turn at a sex  dream/fantasy of Sookie and I'm surprised that in it, she's the dominant  one... ;) Seems like Eric wants to be dominated... hmmm... It's nice  to get inside this vamp's head...

Cheese and rice! You scared  me half to death..

I couldn't carry a tune in a bucket with a lid on it..

I got skills you can't even dream of cowboy...

Tara  tied up omg... more Franklin Mott craziness... It's like Misery with  Franklin Mott in Kathy Bate's role and Tara in James Caan's

Jessica:  I'm a vampire, not a fucking idiot

Arlene jealous at another redhead working at Merlotte's: People love giving  redheads tips and I've always been the only red head at Merlotte's, Sam!  I'm sorry I always get emotional when I..... see people take advantage  of you...

Eric to Lafayette's rescue,holds up (not sure who  this guy is so I'll just call him gang leader 1)by the neck: Take the  deal...
Gangleader 1: You have to kill me first...
Eric: No, I  think I'll kill your brother-cousins first...
GL1: Fine, I'll sell
Eric  drops GL1:That's called closing the deal... Let's go, Rupaul..

Shockingly, Bill gives up Sophie Anne to Russell (to get rid of Lorena or to  protect Sookie? Both choices point to equal but opposite emotions...)

Franklin Mott trying to make nice nice with Tara who's tied up in the seat next  to him as he drives her to who knows where (It's creep-tastic):
Edit:  Flowers for milady.  Hands tied?  No problem.  Let's tape it to your hands then, shall we?
Slappy's snack shack 5  miles... persimmons and cherries. There's one thing more I miss than  sunshine and that's good fruit....
Tara interrupts...
Now, here i  am trying to have a pleasant conversation and you want to ruin all my  surprises...
You're tough I can taste it in your blood...
I've  been so lonely but now you're mine, all that's changed...

Russell's lover looking Tara over: Is this for  me...? (wrinkles his nose) It's skinny.

Russell: In the mood for  something in particular?
Lorena: Someone smokey, not too fatty...
Russell:  I was thinking someone ethnic.  You said you were a procurer? Procure!
Oh..  Bill what have you gotten yourself into...

Edit: Big twist here.  Eric's in a bad spot  with the magister... Pam being tortured really throws him off his game and shows how close they really are.  His choices according  to the magister: a) he gives himself up or b) he gives his queen up...  Hmmm...desecration of the blood or treason against your regent.  Not much of a choice there.   Vamp law is seriously  messed up..You're damned if you do and damned if you don't... Answer: Pam rescues herself and blames it on Bill...  But she's not out of the woods yet....

I'm surprised that Russell can speak fluent German  (wouldn't really know for sure since I don't speak it), yet  have such a strong Southern accent and bigger yet, that he is actually supplying his own blood to the weres...


Sookie  wolfed up...

Edit: Debbie Pelt is way scankier than I could ever have imagined...  Plus, I found that scene where she body surfs as random people rip of what little clothing she has on - a bit contrived and reminded me of Courtney Love somehow...

Russell: A woman is only a woman, but a good cigar is a smoke... Rudyard Kipling, no Shakespeare but less impetuous and he  never stole spoons...

Scene of limo, dripping with blood.  I don't get how come vampires seem to just waste so much human blood. Can't they eat more neatly?

7/12/10 edit:  Oops forgot to add:
Sookie, tearfully:  I don't have a nut-sac...

season 3, quotes, true blood

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