I want to.
And I want it because one is presented to my eldest dougther on New Year's night.
Be honestly it apeared the constructor from the China with four wheels and motors and other parts and there is mounted Arduino mini computer to rule those kit.
Oh this was very interested building it with my children and explain how it will works.
Some sadly things appeared when we was trying to start it.
At first that system was not work because in the parts included invalid type battery holder for elements AA type unlike elements 14500 which needs to this system.
Well we soldered bunch of elements AA type to connector with wires and the system started then.
And after that we managed to upload some program samples to the Arduino's board and wrote a simple code to some maneuvers for this machine.
But at second the main sample to connect robot to smartphone by bluetooth channel was not works properly and not connected.
And we decided then to learn how to write a code to use a ultrasonic sensor which mounted to the front of machine.
But in this case we again faced to troubles and when we was once again uploading a code to the board the program returned to us a frightening message about that fact the Arduino has some critical error.
That was very sadly and disappointing but it was a challenge!
And now I can say I did it!
The necessary manual was found in Internet.
Then I was take a other Arduino board and tuned it how it was described in manual with wires and some methods from the manual to works as a programmator to rewrite the bootloader on the robot's damaged computer.
And well now I can say repeatly I was repaired a robot and more than that I describer this quest in this post!
I'm a good boy!
The all of robot was build my doughter