This is a post I've been looking forward to making all month. : D
Generally speaking I don't care too much about clothes. And I certainly don't buy designer work. But I do have a soft spot for regional and ethnic gear. So without further ado, here are a few of my favorites.
♥ Eastern Orthodox Men's Shirts
Okay, so that's pretty broad! Let me illustrate what I have in mind...
Often the neckline looks like
this. And the embroidery can be more "Widespread", like
Lots of Russian men and boys here in Alaska wear these, and they look very comfortable and whimsical.
♥ South American Ponchos
Now, I'm sure there are differences between Peruvian and, say, Argentine ponchos. But not being from South America, I can't tell and thus lump them into one category. : P So warm and colorful, a poncho would be great to wear around in snow or on just plain dreary days!
(I'm not trying to be political at all here! I just thought we might bipartisanly enjoy that little photo)
Also see
this one.
♥ American Western Shirts
These versatile, appealing tops are great for all sorts of things. I have a couple of these, and I like how they're pretty enough for fancy wear, but sturdy enough to put up with all sorts of rough treatment.
Here's one I would love to have:
That sure is purty. At the other end of the spectrum are shirts like
this, with a no-frills approach. But still lovely!
♥ Saris! ♥
See top image. Drool. Sorry.
Graceful, glowing, exotic, and in a never ending swirl of colors and drapes.
So many options! Take a look
here as well.
What traditional or regional clothing do you find especially beautiful? What do you think of my favorites? (If you don't like saris, I want to hear about it)