49/50: Love

Jul 13, 2013 18:31

Title: 49. LOVE
Pairing: KyuMin
Rating: G
Genre: Drama/Romance
Summary: KyuMin drabbles on Love

*I Own Nothing But The Fic*
Sungmin walked into class and settled in his seat as murmuring started surrounding him.  It was not new, nothing about the bullying, the teasing was new to him.

Having lost his parents at a young age to an accident, Sungmin was brought up in an orphanage and when he turned 14, he seeked out Part-time jobs and when he had enough savings, he went out and survived in the harsh world by himself.  He worked himself through High School and despite working, still managed to get good marks to get into College on a scholarship.  Being in a college whereby everyone was from rich and affluent families, Sungmin was the target of their ridicule.

Yet, despite how painfully those words throbbed at him, Sungmin just wore a blank face, casted his heart in stone and ignored it all.  He ignored it all and continued each day, being thankful that he was still breathing.  As he paid attention to the lesson, he remained oblivious of the pair of eyes that were occasionally being fixed onto him.

“Kyuhyun, who are you looking at?”  Siwon asked as he nudged his friend who was spacing out.
Kyuhyun looked at him and smiled, shaking his head. “No one”.  Squeals could be heard as his fan girls melted at Kyuhyun’s smile.

As Sungmin continued through the day, he remained ignorant of Kyuhyun who would occasionally rest his eyes upon him.
As the Sun went down and the students rushed out of school, Sungmin walked to the Activities area and went into one of the rooms and practiced with his nunchucks.  He focused his energy onto his moves.  A loud crash broke him out of his daze and he looked at the door to see his classmate lying on the floor.  “Are you okay?” Sungmin asked as he helped Kyuhyun up. “I am sorry.  I was just so blinded… I mean you were just so dazzling that I walked into the door… Oh Shit. What did I just say?”  Kyuhyun rambled on as his cheeks turned pink.  Sungmin looked at him confused.  Kyuhyun met Sungmin’s gaze and melted.  “I love you” he confessed.

Both of them stared at each other, their cheeks a crimson red colour. They looked at each other before turning away. 
“I.. erm why.  I don’t get.  Why do you love me?”
“Because you are beautiful.”  Sungmin blushed and looked at Kyuhyun.  “I am nobody but a nerd.  Someone that everyone makes fun of.”
“You carry the nerd cover to prevent others from seeing you talents.  You use the nerd image, with your glasses and your numerous books, as a cover to prevent you from showing the world just how beautiful you are.”
“Then you.. why me?  I don’t even stand out and without even standing out I get picked on.”

“Because you are beautiful.  You don’t need to stand out for me to notice you.  You are the one destined for me and that is why no one else will do for me other than you.  Ever since the first time I saw you, my heart shouted at me that you are the one.  They bully you because they are jealous that despite being alone, you are doing well for yourself with school and work and are the top student in school.  They bully you because you are just so capable all by yourself.  They target you because they are jealous of you.  Despite all that they do to you, you just take it in and not counter-act.  This quality of yours is just so attractive.  I don’t get how everyone in school is so blind as not to see your true beauty but that is good for me.  I know this must be shocking for you but I have been a fan of yours ever since the first day of College.  You aura is just so impressive that I have not been able to approach you, that I have just been hanging around you like a stalked but I really, really love you.”  Kyuhyun confessed as he grabbed Sungmin’s hands and looked him in the eye.

“I am a fan of yours too.” Sungmin mumbled softly.  “I love your voice, it’s just so calming and it is one of the things I look forward to every school semester; seeing you sing during the bi-annual concerts.”

The duo looked at each other, their cheeks flushed and just smiled.

  1. TEASE
The first bell rang.  Everyone was hurrying to their class.  Sungmin rushed out of the office with his books in hand.  Feeling nervous, he looked at his books again to check that he had the correct ones.

He collided with someone and fell onto his butt.  Apologies was uttered, which he chose to ignore as he got up and picked up his books.  He looked at the other who was standing glued to his position, staring away at him.  Sungmin cleared his throat. “Get to class” he ordered the student.
Kyuhyun took one look at the other, staring at the butt as it sashayed away, before he hurried off to class.  Sungmin looked around the class as Donghae introduced him as the Temporary Co-Form Teacher.  His eyes widened when they spot the student from earlier.  Kyuhyun winked at him and smirked as Sungmin’s cheeks turned pink before the latter broke off the eye contact.
“This is going to be fun” Kyuhyun thought.

Days went by and Sungmin was continuously harassed by Kyuhyun.  The student would always pass by some remarks during his classes, asking him out on dates.  The teacher would just glare at the student before continuing with his lessons. Kyuhyun would also occasionally leave him gifts on his table.  “Looks like you have got yourself a lover” Donghae commented as he picked up the Rabbit plush toy.  Sungmin ignored his comments and continued on with his work.

As this continued on, Sungmin got tired and called Kyuhyun to his office.
“This is wrong.  I am a teacher and you are a student.  This relationship should not be fused with any other.  As thankful as I am for your love, please stop it and concentrate on your studies.  You are graduating within a month.”
“Can I chase you then?  Can you be mine after graduation?”
Sungmin looked at the younger and sighed.  “Kyuhyun.  Please.  There is an age gap between us.  I am sure you can find someone better.”
“No one is better for me other than you.  No one has ever made my heart beat like you have.  The first time I laid my eyes on you, my heart screamed out that you are the one.  Fireworks were crackling behind you when we met the first day.”

Sungmin rolled his eyes at the student and his exaggeration.  “Look.  Concentrate on your studies, study hard and if we ever meet again in the future and we are both single, I would give it a shot.”  Kyuhyun’s eyes sparkled as he looked at the teacher.  “You promise?” He asked excitedly.  Sungmin nodded his head.  Kyuhyun leapt from the side, rounded the table and engulfed Sungmin in a hug.  “I would make you mine.” Kyuhyun stated before he gave his teacher a peck on the lips and rushed out of class.

~Time moves on without waiting for anyone.  The heart beats on while waiting for the special someone. ~

*Seven years later.*
“Mr. Lee” The nurse called.  Sungmin muttered ‘finally’ before he made his way to the doctor’s room.  He looked at the name board. “Doctor Cho” he read and wondered why the name sounded familiar.
When he stepped into the room, his question was answered.  “Well Mr. Lee, would like to have a private diagnosis session with me over dinner?” Kyuhyun questioned as he got up and walked over to engulf his patient in a hug.

Kyuhyun opened his eyes and smiled.  The events of last night with his lover were still fresh in his memories.  Kyuhyun turned and his smile vanished as he found the other side of the bed empty, with a note pasted on the pillow.  “Have gone out.  Would be back soon.” Kyuhyun read the note out.  He jumped out of bed and smiled at the thought of preparing breakfast for his lover (or at least attempting too).

Sungmin smiled as he saw his brother walking to him.  “I missed you.” Kangin said as he enveloped Sungmin in a hug.  “I missed you too bro.”  They broke apart and smiled at each other.  As they started walking to his car, Sungmin turned to his brother.  “Why the sudden visit?” Kangin shrugged and placing his luggage in the trunk, replied “I just had a bad dream about you and I just wanted to visit you to see that you are safe.”
“What type of bad dream?”
“I dreamt that you were a bunny who was just happily hopping around when all off a sudden a wolf came and attacked you.  Though the wolf didn’t eat you or killed you, I just felt scared and wanted to visit you.”  Sungmin gulped as he thought of his boyfriend at home.  His brother knew that he was in a relationship but Kangin did not know who he was in a relationship with and so, Sungmin paled at the thought of making the two possessive people (both were crazily possessive over him) meet and having them stay under one room.

Kangin ringed the doorbell as Sungmin was held up with a neighbor.  Kangin was aware that the “wolf” inside his dream was Sungmin’s boyfriend and he wanted to meet the asshole, who had already defiled his angel.  When Kyuhyun opened the door, Kangin glared at him.  Kyuhyun looked at the other with confusion.

Sungmin rushed back when he saw both of them staring at each other.  Pushing Kangin into the house, he closed the door and introduced them.  “Kyuhyun, this is my brother Kangin. Kangin, this is my boyfriend Kyuhyun.”  Kangin’s eyes were fired up at the word boyfriend.  He simply sneered at the other before turning to Sungmin, his fired expression replaced with a loving one.  “Where is your room?” Sungmin brought Kangin to room, which was drowning in Pink items.  Kangin blinked his eyes to get them adjusted to the “pinkness” of the room.  Once comfortable, he looked at his brother and smiled. “Great! We are going to sleep together and have so much fun!” Kangin said, hugging his brother and sending an evil glare to Kyuhyun, who was standing outside the room, his mouth hanging open.

Sungmin broke out from the hug and looked at the duo and his shoulders slumped.  “This week is going to be a disaster.” He thought as he looked at Kangin and Kyuhyun having a staring competition.

I see you walk into the room and a moment later, you run out with a huge bouquet in hand.  You smile and I can’t help but be drawn to your smile.  All the members gather around you and everyone is fussing over the bouquet.  “It has freaking 101 stalks Min.” Heechul counted.  “How romantic” Kangin scoffed.  “So what is your answer?”  Ryeowook questions as he takes the bouquet from you and buries his face into it.  You blush before muttering a small “I love you too”.  Everyone hugs you and you run to me hug me tightly.

You run into the dorm and scream at the top of your voice.  “I got engaged!!”  Everyone runs out of their rooms (and the other dorm mates are called down) and crowd around you (again).  You showed off the ring on your finger, the beautiful smile planted on your face.  Everyone squeals at the ring and soon enough there is mayhem in our dorm as our members expressed their happiness in various form; ShinEunHae danced, Yesung sang ‘I am walking down the aisle’ with his turtle sitting on his head, Siwon went to pray, Heechul sat you down and bombarded you with questions whilst Leeteuk sat beside you and cried, Ryeowook went into the Kitchen to bake, Kangin gives a call to Henry and Zhou Mi telling them about the news.  As for me, I sat in the corner, looking at the happiness beaming from your face and I can’t help but be drawn into the warmth of the happiness.

As time pass, we are tied down with the wedding preparations.  Though everyone is aware that this not a legal ceremony, the members still demand a ceremony in the dorm and with that, everyone is busy preparing for the ‘Big Day’.  I am dragged to go shopping and so are you.  The moment I see you in the Tuxedo, with a pink blush on your face, I feel that the ‘dragged to do shopping’ trip is worth it.

Finally, the D-Day arrived.  Everyone was bustling around the two dorms.  Everything was set.  Our dorm was the ‘wedding place’ whilst the other dorm was where the party or rather the reception was.  I stood there watching you walk in and I feel my heart beating rapidly as happiness and nervousness creep freely all around within me.  You place your hands in my extended hand and I let out a breath, which I didn’t know I was holding.  As you walk and stand beside me, a satisfied feeling calms me down.  The feeling of finally being home.

13/7 - The day we became one.

They walked by the seaside, hand in hand, taking small steps.  The waves continued their job of wetting their legs, letting it dry for a few seconds before it came back to wet it again.  They walked a few steps, turned to look back their foot imprints in the sand being washed away.

Feeling tired, Kyuhyun pulled Sungmin towards the dry sand before they sat down.  “Ever the lazy one” Sungmin commented.  They sat side by side and stared away at the vast horizon.  “The sun rise is pretty” Sungmin placed his head on Kyuhyun’s shoulder.

“It’s been ages since we were this free.”  Kyuhyun remarked as he leaned his head against Sungmin’s.  Sungmin sighed as he continued looking at the scenery before him.  “It feels nice to be back with everyone.” Kyuhyun continued and Sungmin nodded.  “It took time but finally we are all together again.” 
“Remember when I had to go in.” Sungmin questioned and Kyuhyun pouted.  Sungmin sat up and cringed at Kyuhyun’s pout before laughing.  “I thought we agreed to never talk about it again?”
The management announced the day of Sungmin’s enlistment and the members remained seated as silence filled the room.  Sungmin cast a glance at Kyuhyun and was shocked to see anger in his eyes.  The other members were simply shocked at the news that Sungmin and Shindong were enlisting together.

The countdown to the D-Day started.  They continued their promotions but at the end of the day, when they went home, they felt sad at the thought that soon, they would be two members short.  Heechul had recently been released and the countdown for Leeteuk and Yesung was still in its hundreds.  However, they also knew that no matter what, this was something that they had no control over.  Instead, they decided to look forward to the day when they, all the members, would stand together on the stage.

Sungmin noticed that since the announcement, Kyuhyun had become ‘detached’ from him.  The younger was keeping to his rooms.  He hardly had dinner with the group, choosing to take his dinner in his room.  On their way to the recordings, the younger would choose to sit with other members, leaving Sungmin to stare at him.

Days went on and Kyuhyun continued his pattern.  Then came the day when Sungmin finally cracked.  As Kyuhyun stepped into the dorm after his ‘Mamma Mia!’ recording, the older grabbed him and pulled him into his room.  Pushing him onto the bed, Sungmin straddled him.  “What is your problem?” he hissed out.  “Nothing” Kyuhyun stated, looking away. 
“Look at me, Kyuhyun”. Kyuhyun turned to look at Sungmin and his eyes widened in surprise.
“Why are you distancing yourself from me?” Sungmin questioned as the tears rolled freely from his eyes.  Kyuhyun pulled Sungmin down and engulfed him a tight hug as his own tears rolled down to the pillow.  “I am scared.” Kyuhyun whispered out.  “I am scared that you would forget me.  I am scared that you would forget about us.  I am scared that you would find another.”  Kyuhyun cried out.  Sungmin remained silent, hugging the younger tightly, burying his head and kissing his lover’s neck.  They remained like that till their tears dried out.
Sungmin pushed himself up and looked at the younger.  “I love you, Kyu and for me, there would be no one else but you.  I know that the distance the 2-Years is going to cause in our relationship would be great but I believe that our love would definitely overcome it all.  It’s just 2-Years, Kyu.  I would be back before you know it and believe me when I say this-there is no one else that my heart beats for than you.” Sungmin leaned down and kissed his lover to prove his point.
“Well yeah we had said that we would never talk about it again but I just can’t believe that you had been mad at me.”  Sungmin reasoned.
“I was angry because you were going in.  I was angry because I would be alone.  I was angry because I was scared that you would find another.”
“Didn’t you think that I was afraid of that as well?  I was afraid, Kyu that you would find someone else.  I was afraid that the 2 years of separation would prove too much and you would seek out someone else to fill my void.”
“That can never happen, Min.  You know that there is no one else for me but you.”
“That is the same for me Kyu.”

The lift doors opened and 2 Year old Sungmin zoomed out and ran ahead of his mother.  Ignoring her shouts for him to stop, he ran into one of the wards.  His eyes sparkled with excitement as he saw the nurses handing over the newborn to the mother.  Sungmin walked to the lady on the bed.  Bowing at her, he turned his attention to the baby in her arms.  The elders in the room looked at each other in confusion, wondering about the kid while Sungmin cooed at the baby.  Bringing his finger to the cheek, Sungmin gently rubbed it on the baby’s cheek and the baby smiled.  Everyone in the room melted at the sight of the smile and the mother brought the baby closer to Sungmin.  Sungmin kept his full attention on the baby and stated babbling to it.

“Sungmin!”  His mother exclaimed as she stepped into the room.  Putting on an apologetic face, she made her way to her child.  “I am so sorry, Mrs Cho.” She said, reading the name from the patient tag.  “Let’s go Min.”  Sungmin pouted as he looked at his mother with pleading eyes.  “You have come into the wrong room.  Let’s go see another baby.”  Sungmin continued pouting but nodded.  He turned one last time at the baby and gave a peck on the baby’s cheek before bowing and holding his mother’s hand.  “I am so sorry.  He was just too excited that he came into the wrong room.  I apologise and also, congratulations on your new born.”  Sungmin waved at the baby before he was pulled out of the room.

“I don’t want to see the doctor.” Sungmin whined as his mother dragged him to the clinic.  His mother ignored his screaming and planted him onto the chair at the waiting area and went to the registration counter.  Sungmin pouted and with tears brimming in his eyes, looked around him.  His tears disappeared when his eyes locked onto the small and skinny kid seated beside him, his face buried into his gameboy.  “Hi!”  Sungmin greeted.  The other looked up at him with an expressionless face and turned back to his game.  Sungmin narrowed his eyes at the kid.  He got up and walked infront of him.  Snatching the gameboy, he looked at him with an angry face.  “I said Hi to you.”  Kyuhyun tried to snatch back his game from the elder but when he failed, he ran to his mother and sobbed.  Pulling her along with him, he pointed to Sungmin and cried.  Sungmin blushed in embarrassment and handed the game back to the boy.  “Sungmin!” his mother cried out as she looked at her child.  “I am so sorry.” She apologized to the other lady.  Their eyes grew wide in recognition.  “Oh my god.  Mrs Cho! I am so sorry again.  My baby is a good boy but I don’t know why he just did that.” She explained to the other woman, who just smiled kindly in return.  “I just wanted to make friends with him” Sungmin justified himself in a small voice.  The two ladies looked at him and smiled.  Sungmin was then introduced to Kyuhyun and while they waited for their turn, the ladies chatted away whilst Kyuhyun and Sungmin found themselves buried in Kyuhyun’s game.  Kyuhyun waved at Sungmin as he walked out of the clinic, his cheeks flushed pink as the elder had pecked him.

Their next meeting was when Sungmin was assigned to be Kyuhyun’s Buddy during the first week of Orientation at school.  Sungmin smiled at Kyuhyun but frowned when the smaller boy showed no sign of recognition.  Nonetheless, Sungmin ignored the sting and introduced himself again to the game-lover.  After that one week, they went on with school without ever meeting with each other.  As much as Sungmin wanted to play with the younger, he would stop himself from approaching Kyuhyun who would always be surrounded by a group of friends.  When Sungmin graduated from Primary school, he rushed to Kyuhyun and ignoring the boys surrounding him, he gave a peck to the young boy before running away.  Kyuhyun stood there like a statue, looking at the Sungmin running away.

“Boys.  Meet your new bandmate.”  The manager introduced as Kyuhyun stepped into the room.  Sungmin’s eyes shot up at the familiar face and when their eyes met, both of the blushed at the memory of their last interaction.

“I love the moments when I can pamper you (because I love it when you would squeal happily at that).”
“Though I am elder, I love it when you pamper me.”

“We should separate our rooms.  You can move into Yesung hyung’s room (so that I can get the opportunity of missing you, so that I would learn to be grateful for your presence, not taking it for granted.  I want you to move just next door so that you are within reach at times when I need you and vice versa.”
“I know you want us to separate so that I can get sufficient rests (but I would miss your inconsiderate act of switching on the lights and your constant screaming while you play).”

“I keep smiling, ignoring the biting feeling within me when I see you coupling with another (but I calm myself with the fact that no matter what, we would always love each other).”
“I keep smiling, ignoring the nagging within me when I see you ‘playing’ with the other members onstage (but I calm myself with the fact that I am the one you love).”

“I love how you would purposely do things to make me jealous (and I know you love it when I ‘punish’ you for that).”
“I tease you (but I know that you know that it’s just an act).”

“The subtle touches are sufficient for me (because the hot and steamy moments are best left for our bedroom).”
“I love it when you would give me a gentle pat or even a glance (because they silently convey your message of ‘I am here’).”

“I love how our fingers fit together perfectly (just like how you and I look perfect with each other).”
“We hold hands with everyone (but my fingers fit perfectly only with yours).”

“I love watching you dance, the way you shake and move your body (and I smirk at the fact that the body belongs to my lover).”
“I love your voice whenever you sing (and I love it more when you sing just for me).”

“There isn’t a need for me to always interact with you onstage (because I don’t need to display my love for you for everyone to see).”
“Minimal interaction onstage is fine with me (because I know that you are mine without having to display it to everyone).”

“I love drinking wine (but I enjoy it the best whenever I drink with you).”
“I love our wine sessions together (and I love our bed sessions together, that follow the wine session, as well).”

“I love how your eyes would search for me (and during those moments, I feel like your Knight in a Shining Armour).”
“I love it when I search for you and you would pop-up (like a Knight in Shining Armour).”

“We have been together since the start (and we would be together until the very end).”
“We have come a long way together (and we a longer way to go, together).”

“I love everything about you because you are perfect for me just like how I am perfect for you.”
“You are my one in a million and the only one for me.”

~ Life is a beautiful journey which is made more beautiful by the company on the journey. ~

oneshot, 50prompt

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