Apr 23, 2009 20:35

hahah. i totally forgot about it untill during shep when we ahve teaching i aske the date and realise . LOL
heeh. one year. one full year. it had been awesome and wonderful and im looking forward to all the years downt he road to come which would be even better!.
Qt had not been as refreshing for quite a while.
(i want to spend more more time from now on with God)

Quote from my journal
"Thank you for crescent and st margt cg for bridget, Rebecca, cleo, joanne lee, hui wei, celeste, jiaqi, Cheryl, charmaine, clara,regine,felicia!, sherlyn,Winnie,joanne ang, issac, chloe, Miriam and many more. You have used them to belss me greatly and lord I thank you loads! For always being there and so supportive no matter how horrible terrible I am. So many times I have failed you but not once you did. "

exact same words . ok excepr for four words but nvm.
hahah {; and yeahh! on my spiritual bdae God used Yu xin to share a very simple act but its so powerful it has overwhelmed my heart. i don think she evern realise anyway cause i didnt tell her yet. HAHA

(L) The 3 shep i had so far,
Thank you. 
You've played an extremely(x999) important shep.
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