Jan 26, 2006 22:15
Just chillin in the room for now...gotta work on my scene design project in a little bit but might as well fill you all in on little miss feather's adventures.
Nothing much has really been going on lately...It was my birthday Monday. Thanks to all of you who remembered and made it a good day. and a giant "FUCK YOU!" to the one person who forgot...and he knows who he is. Just kidding...I'm not really mad...just a little hurt. I'm not the psychotic exgirlfriend...I just thought we were still friends....But anyways...the rest of my birthday was great.
Had a snow day yesterday and just sat on my ass and did NOTHING!!!! and it was amazing. I haven't done that in forever. Since being back at school...I dont know how to explain it....I just feel different...in a good way. I've never been a very social person but I've been more social the past few weeks than I think I've been my entire life. Fuck guys right now...I'm not looking...if something happens...then yeah I'm all for it. But for right now, I dont need them...I have kick ass friends that more than make up for it. The only thing I think I would change is that I want to see my crew more often...I miss the rainbow team so very much. I would also like to spend more time with my girls...Steathal must have more adventures!!! I love my girls so much.
Today was a good day...Brian confused the hell out of us with sound stuff. Then I almost missed my bus to Portland... no surprise there. I had my method acting class and Performance Genres with the boys, Jack and Andy. Jack was headed to Gorham so he offered me a ride home. It was really nice of him and I actually got to have a good conversation with him. It was definitely interesting pulling into the Gorham campus singing "Summer Nights" from Grease. He reminds me a lot of Dan...all of Dan's good qualities...
But alas....after an okay dinner in the Cafe with Crys I must be off to work on my scene design....
(finished the scene design project...yippee!!!)