Sep 26, 2005 20:50
"I would like to say to Cindy Sheehan and her supporters: Don't be a group of unthinking lemmings," said Mitzy Kenny of Ridgeley, West Virginia, whose husband died in Iraq last year. She said the anti-war demonstrations "can affect the war in a really negative way. It gives the enemy hope."
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- Preemptive defense is a shady area in international politics. A country is only supposed to go to war if it needs to defend itself. Military action is a stupid loophole.
- It would be really irresponsible for the US to pull out of Iraq now: we should be there until the country is stable.
- Unfortunately, Iraq will not be stable for awhile, if ever. Our choices are: withdraw now, civil war now; or withdraw later, civil war later.
(excuse the terrible photoshop)
"A Modest Proposal"-esque disclaimer: One of my friends was killed in Baghdad about a year and a half ago. He had already served overseas years prior, and he was in the National Guard when he was killed. Figure that one out. Also, my father is a republican, hates Bush and didn't want us to intervene in Iraq in the first place.
I know a lot of people who share that sentiment.
Bush isn't actually from that area - he didn't grow up there, so I have no idea why so many people feel like they can relate to him. I don't know any middle-class, ultra-conservative Christians that aspire to go to Yale... and can afford it. (Though, to be fair, I don't know any ultra-conservative Christians, period. Maybe conservative Catholics, but they don't count)
I just don't think that anti-war demonstrations can affect the war in any way. I do think that, while Sheehan's heart is in the right place, the philosophical foundation of her demonstrations is a little weak.
I agree that pulling out of Iraq now doesn't make the slightest bit of sense. (So does everyone with a decent head on their shoulders. I don't get Sheehan.) I do think (hope?), though, that anyone with the slightest bit of sense realizes that we shouldn't have gone in the first place.
In conclusion, that photoshop is from one of my three or four favorite Achewoods. I regularly think of the last panel in that cartoon and laugh out loud.
The honor of my favorite Achewood strip is split between these two, because it's really a two-parter. But man, making fun of Garfield is so wonderful.
although in lieu of picking a favorite achewood strip per se, i think that the entire beef/ray road trip story arc is one of the most brilliant things i've ever read
it was better when he didn't focus on girls and referenced pavement and brainiac instead of just selling shirts
Honestly, I don't know why I read Diesel Sweeties anymore. Except that Rich is also a nice guy and makes good T-shirts. He even offered me a seat on his lap when we went for coffee and it was really crowded!
bingo on the exposition/raven says something dumb. for a long time it was the exact same thing but with the robot, i forget his name.
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