
Dec 06, 2008 20:38

petitsourires wanted me to upload the .psd of icons like this, so I thought I could write a tut :)

We're going from
by hanah_an to
in 8 steps. It was made in PS2 and it won't work perfectly in GIMP or other programs, because it uses selective coloring, but it looks almost the same if you replace it with something else, I'll explain that later ;)

1. Duplicate the background layer and set it to screen 30%. You have to change this if you image is very dark or very bright.

2. Go to Layer -> New Fill Layer -> Solid Color and set the opacity to 4%. Press ok and set the color to #b1d1f5, a light blue.

3. Go to Layer -> New Fill Layer -> Solid Color again and set the opacity to 11%. Press ok and set the color to #000d45, a dark blue.

4. Go to Layer -> New Fill Layer -> Solid Color the last time and set the opacity to 12%. Press ok and set the color to #bc9664, a light brownish color.

5. Click on the little black & white round button on the button of the layer window and select "Curves". Use the following settings:

Point one: 58 47
Point two: 188 200

Point one: 44 46
Point two: 194 209

6. Duplicate the background layer again,drag it to the top and set to soft light 30%.

7. Click on the button again and select "Selective Coloring". Use the following settings:

Red: 0 13 -7 15
White: -14 -6 0 -50

Set the layer to opacity 50%.

You can try to replace it with a simple Brightness/Contrast layer and turn the contrast up.

8. Now create a new layer and go to Image -> Apply Image. Press ok. Instead of this you can also press Ctrl + Alt + Shift + e but it doesn't work with all versions of PS (I think 7 doesn't create a new layer automatically). Now you can go to Filter - > Sharpen -> Sharpen. This will probably be too much, so go to Edit -> Fade Sharpen and turn the opacity down until it looks good.

9. Resize your image to width about 300px. Create a new file with 100x100. Drag your merged layer to the new file and move or transform it until you like the crop. I also rotated it a little.


Other icons made with this technique:


type: tutorial

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