Title: My Tooth's Suicide
blurry_visions2 Prompt: Toothache
Rating: PG
Character: Gackt
Summary: Someone's got a toothache from hell
Warnings: Humor...need I say more?
Disclaimer: We wish Gackt belonged to us...but that's probably never going to happen. T.T
It sucks. -.-
Cavities reign and infected gums hold me.
I'm tired. So I'm cranky. T.T
This is too much. >.<
Tommorrow I'm gone, But for now, hurt like a bitch, because it's your fault the dentist hasn't healed me. D:<
- - -
Oh, the pain. Why must it hurt? T.T
Tears fall from my eyes and I hold my head. Tooth pain go away! >.<
...I can almost hear laughing, am I going insane? O.o??
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And that's why Gackt got Veneers