First of all:
May all your wishes come true, sweetie~♥♥♥
Hope you have a great b'day! (^o^)v
and second:
to everyone~
On the other note, I got a layout from Fruitstyle, I'll make a header for it whenever I feel like doing one (meaning: I have no idea when~ XDD). I also got KHR! MoodTheme and I totally love it~!♥ All credits @ my userinfo (。◕‿◕。)
So, I did watch HETALIA! XD Now I need to read the manga XD The anime is freakin' hilarious *dies* (≧∇≦); I think it's good that one episode is only 5 min. long know, too much of laughing can kill XDDDD
I watched 3 eps in a row (since there's no more subs for now) and I got a stomachache from laughing O(≧∇≦)O
The fact that it's so-good-for-slash makes me me even happier XD
I've read some BL DJs already (okaaaaaaaay~ it was where I started, actually~ XD;)
Italy's ukeness is killing me XDD HE'S SO OMG EXTREME UKEEE!! WAY TOO EXTREME O_O;;; You know what I mean right? That kinda weepy, crybaby, stupid, cute, childish, naive UKE! ...and I l-o-v-e that XD
I wanted to put a screencap here where he's saying "Don't kill me, I'm a virgin" to Germany but I can't make caps from .mkv format ;o;!! XD
I feel really sorry for Germany btw XDDD;
Anyways, you can DL it
here and if you want some review go
here BTW: Download on your own risk. I'm not gonna take responsibility for anyone. If you die from a stomachache or smth remember that you've been warned XDD;;
I'll be offline for about 2 days I think, I'm going to go to my flat tomorrow and I'll be back on Monday or Tuesday. I have no internet there, there's only TV for now XD but that doesnt rly matter since I'm going there to renovate it, jeez, it's still such a mess and I have no idea when I'll move there. At least I'm almost done w/ painting the walls^^
Last night I wasn't sleeping almost at all and now I'm kinda dying stupid is that? XD