Jun 07, 2006 19:05
sad...this is the current mood here in our house..just received the worst news in my sister's life...she failed to pass the battery examinations for nursing students in plm..geesh..she does not deserve to fail in that exam..she has been the most brilliant among the 3 of us...we were not used to her failing examinations...thats why we were really eager to see her test papers but according to the school this thing would not be allowed...ok fine...my sister tried her best to be reconsidered...but still she fails..the only possible reason that this school may have was that she lives here in laguna...hmmm...isnt that so unfair?!youd be judge not according to your skill but according to the place you reside in...fuck!unjustifiable at all...so,my sister kept on crying...just told her not to give up...shes really intelligent...and she has a bright future ahead of her...my mom was also crying...my dad was so down...me and my other sister joy steady..we should be strong..and try to cheer them up...haaay...life...