Mar 10, 2008 05:07
So yeah, my college friends and I have been brawlin it up for like 19 hours straight lol. Its so great learning every character and getting a feel. So far my favorite characters are:
I still have to test out others. Right now I see Ike being my full on main. I cant explain how much I adore him.
At the momment I havent been able to have fun with the online battles yet due to the shitty wireless at my school. I will be ordering a Wii LAN adapter to fix that.
My friend code is:
Please comment with your number, and smash bros name you want to be listed as. I will be home for spring break on the 14th, and I want to spend a lot of time online with all of you. Not to mention I will also be appearing at anime boston as well where we will be having some amazing matches at our hotel room. :D