Nov 05, 2006 18:33
every road that i've been down,
the only truth that i have found,
there's only one thing i can't live without:
you....(in a manly high pitched voice :P)
yay rascal flatts :D so anywho, cross country is OVER!!! and i killed/barely survived the course with a 24:13, i was lucky though cause at least i didn't collapse at the finish like a lot of people seemed to be doing, i don't know if it was because of the dry air or the fact that the air was waaaayy too chocolatey to even breath right at some points or that there were incredibly steep hills that just didn't seem to want to be conquered, but this course was difficult to say the least....oh and the great news! the frisbee team made (no joke) $201 at the halloween festival, oh baby, now we can actually pay for stuff :P soooo exciting! and kudos to Murdoch and Roosa who stood out in the cold getting hit by water balloons and actually said they enjoyed it, they're amazing or idiotic...the jury is still out on that one :P otherwise, life is generally well and i don't think i need to say more...toodles!
Peace, Love