Jan 09, 2005 19:48
well, i just said bye to wesley. *tear*. hes always at school for soooo long. i hadn't seen him since last summer. But hey, hes gonna come home on march 12. and hes gonna be here for a week.
anyway, science fair is on wednesday. if i don't place either first or second, im gonna be kinda mad. i really worked hard on my project, in my opinion. im not gonna be able to go to 1st period on wednesday. *tear*
i don't know when awards are though. i hope theyre not on saturday because we all know what saturday is! JUSTINS 18TH BIRTHDAY! im gonna bake him a cake thats shaped like theatre masks. its gonna turn out really good. i know.
im ready for school tomorrow, but not tuesday. on tuesday, i have all my wierd teachers like mrs. garza and mr. ronquillo. yeah, now u guys know what i mean by "wierd teachers". those 2 are like the wierdest, most horrile teachers in the whole damn school!
well, to catch up since my last update:
my newyears eve was THE MOST BORING DAY OF MY LIFE!!!!!! new years day was really fun. me, carlee, kristen, and wesley went to caliches, and played pictionary.
yesterday i tried on outfits for science fair and i still don't know what im gonna wear.
i went to a utep game last night. i was really good. they played the oklahoma hurricanes. utep won w/ a score of 105-70.
today i did my homework and wesley just left.
other than that, i can't remember what else ive done.
ok well, ill see u guys tomorrow! luv, ~britt~