Aug 30, 2008 13:55
So I just had the week from hell at the school. I had 3 new students this week which takes me up to 27...which is my max. I don't have enough books or anything for these kids and the school is taking forever to get my order. The kids were nuts this week except for Friday and I got screamed at by a parent Thursday morning. I was supposed to have a meeting with her cuz her daughter told her a teacher got in her face and screamed at her during a fire drill. (which wasnt me and actually was an exaggerated story...she wasnt screamed at) But she cancelled that morning but asked the office if she could come up real quick to talk. I said sure because I figured it would be quick and the kids were doing their morning work. Well she started screaming at me for what my sub said to her kid the other day and told me if kids contimue to pick on her kid, she gave her permission to hit them. and then I was like " can't do that because she'll get suspended". Mom apparently didn't care and told the kid in front of me not to listen to me or the principal and to do what she's got to do. So after she left I called the office to give them a heads up and someone caught her before she left the school. I was shaking and another teacher had to come in and help me catch up with my morning stuff while I tried to make my new kid feel comfortable on his first day. Later on that day I had a sub again so that I could observe my mentor and I came back to 4 crying kids. Great. One said his mom beats him and so I had to report that too. ON TOP OF ALL THIS....I'm sick to my stomache and didn't even want to come to school because I had to keep running to the bathroom but came anyway for that meeting. Because I care a lot about each of my kids.
I had a meeting with that same mother on Friday but this time the principal and another 2nd grade teacher was there. I told the principal on Thursday that I refuse to ever meet that woman one on one again and that she is not to ever be sent up to my classroom. The meeting went well and I got some books together for the girl to take home and practice some school work with mom. My dismissal went fabulously....I tried the dismissal train which is something different for my kids. We made train noises as we walked around the classroom getting their bookbags and papers out of their cubbies. My kids respond well to music and movement. I also graded my quizes and my kids did awesome!
So today, Saturday, I used the gift card that Zach got me for my last birthday and got a spa pedicure and manicure. It was AMAZING. and I really needed it after this past week. They put this blue stuff in a bag with my feet and wrapped each foot with a hot towel. They massaged my feet and my hands. I got to wait in the lounge while waiting for my manicure after my pedi and there was all kinds of teas and chocolates. They even brought me a cappacino while getting my pedi done. It only cost 70 bucks too and I felt great!!! I'm definitely going back for the hot rock massage!
I also got to see Monika and Mark this week which was nice. She helped my week out a little bit :)