Mar 22, 2005 18:34

you guys suck just kidding well havent updated in a tad bit heres what has happend
zach came over we weant to block buster rented some movies and weant to sax class got home played video games and then dani calls us and says shes in sunset and we couldnt go so we just chilled and played

weant to the fair with zach and there was a kick ass robot and he was all like music and then zach was like taking a picture of him and he says dude get in the picture and i look be hind me then he's like DUDUH GET IN THE PICTURE so he grabbed my head and he did a gangsta sign and then we saw raf kevin and steven and raf and steven won a pig race and we were like wooo and i weant to the petting zoo and saw llamas!

weant to some girls party a couple of bands played it was ghetto its been done was really good and there was some emo band where the bassist looked like a girl and a whole bunch of emo kids with tight ass pants big puffy hair and plugs they all looked like girls and were like hehe i laugh at non-emo bands so yeah that was that

i leave you children with my piamp hat

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