Aug 07, 2006 22:58
A small excerpt from a conversation I had with my friend, Rick, last night ... he's a silly, silly Canadian. :D
Rick says:
are you still seeing that guy?
It's a beautiful day! says:
Rick says:
WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED? He probably forgot the number 4
It's a beautiful day! says:
haven't for a while now
It's a beautiful day! says:
well, i visited him in atlanta and he never called again
It's a beautiful day! says:
this was the beginning of april
Rick says:
what do you mean..........he never called again?
It's a beautiful day! says:
just what i said ... i called him a couple of days after i got back and he never returned the call ... even emailed him but still nothing
Rick says:
that is one gay man
It's a beautiful day! says:
well, it's for the best ...
Rick says:
yeah, and you feel like shit........for the best
It's a beautiful day! says:
i just wish i had known because if i had, i wouldn't have wasted the money to go there
It's a beautiful day! says:
he kept telling me how much he missed me, wanted to see me ... blah blah blah ... even the night before i left, we were laughing and drinking so anyone's guess is as good as mine as to what happened
Rick says:
maybe he's dead?
It's a beautiful day! says:
It's a beautiful day! says:
or maybe he was too chickenshit to just say 'look, this isn't going to work'
It's a beautiful day! says:
if he's dead, then i'll feel bad for the thoughts i've had about him ... otherwise ...
It's a beautiful day! says:
and to top that off, my obsessive first ex is getting married later this year to some girl he just met
Rick says:
son of a bitch
It's a beautiful day! says:
you wouldn't want it ,,, it's a piece of shit
It's a beautiful day! says:
i'm not having the best luck at this whole romance thing
Rick says:
romance is an illusion to me too
It's a beautiful day! says:
i've only ever felt love for one person and let's just say it'll never happen
Rick says:
you felt love for me............the rest are replacements
Rick says:
dumb ass
Rick says:
you know.......................
It's a beautiful day! says:
i know lots of things
Rick says:
one day, we'll be dead and really hook up and talk..........that'll be one of the best days in my afterlife
Rick says:
You bar none are one of the best there ever is and thank you for being a friend
It's a beautiful day! says:
you're welcome ... and thanks for being around to listen to my crap all these years
Rick says:
listen to your crap? You've put up with way more from me........that guy better be dead because I'd be happy to have you around everyday............WHO WOULDN'T???
It's a beautiful day! says:
apparently, a lot of people
Rick says:
Ahh, Rick ... you're a freak but I loves ya anyway. :D
On another note, I'm working on my college application. Yessirree bob, I'm goin' to college for an AA (AAS?) in criminal justice. I'm thinking of taking the first semester online and the rest on campus. I feel like I just need to do this already. "CSI Cat" ... has a nice ring to it. :D