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Jul 27, 2004 18:43

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So, how's life treating everyone? Good, I hope. I'm in a very good mood right now- strangely enough, while other people like to rant on UJ, I rarely do. Sometimes, yes. But mostly when I'm upset I retreat into myself more than I spread it around. So if I'm talking about being upset, then chances are I'm mostly over it. But that isn't the point. The point is, I'm randomly in a good mood, so I'm going to have a rant about that. With good reason, if any at all.

I'm getting a couple of really good new pieces to learn for my Performance program.

I've actually done work for Lit- I'm in the process of slowly and closely reading Patric White again and finding it isn't actually hard at all and you can do it in any spare time and feel like you've done work.

I'm beginning to work some ideas for my drama solo, and speaking of drama, the NIDA info evening is next Wednesday, and I even have an application form. Sure, I won't get in this year, but the practice will be fun and useful and it's exciting to think I'm about to get out of school and spend my life doing what I love.

I discovered that a girl I know is doing an apprenticeship at a hairdresser just up the street from me, and she needs models for colouring and blow-waves so I can get them done for free.

And speaking of hair, with my new red hair I got told on five seperate occasions by different people yesterday that I look like Kirsten Dunst in Spiderman, which I choose to take as a complement because Kirsten Dunst is hot.

I've got the only actual solo in the Chamber Voices winter concert piece in addition to which I'm the only solo singer from MacRob in the Soiree thing with MHS.

I get a really cool extravagant foofy costume in Amadeus, for which I have to go to bugger-all rehearsals- in fact, it seems like the first thing I'll attend is a costume fitting; and I get to sing bits of a big, proper, operatic aria. I think I'll learn the whole thing anyway though, just because it's a really cool piece.

I saw lots of pretty nature things today, which always makes me happy. I think sometimes lots of us take for granted the beautiful things around us, but I've found that when I'm upset the very best thing for cheering me up is noticing how amazing the sight is of the white daylight radiating from the feathery fringes of purple clouds, or how incredible it is that two trees standing next to one another can have such different textures to their bark, from the liquid smooth wood of the scented eucalyptus to the cruel, brittle shards on our firewheel tree, such a contrast to the resplendent dancers in firey red and orange adorning its dark, waxy leaves on twisting branches. I sometimes laugh aloud for pure joy at the exquisite simplicities and complexities of the world around me; no matter how bad my problems seem, they crawl away in shame when faced with the simple observation that subtle plays of golden light and midnight blue shadow on the rippling river outside the train window as the sun begins to set look just like velvet. I think almost the worst thing that could happen to me would be to go blind. Out of all my senses it is the one I would mourn most if lost, more than smell (which, lets be honest, I hardly have anyway), more than hearing, more even than taste (shock, horror!).
The most ridiculous thing I ever heard was the accusation that valuing sight more than hearing is shallow- somehow the sound of music (which, so I hear, the hills are sometimes alive with) has more DEPTH to it than any view. RUBBISH!
By all means, pick your favourite, but don’t try to argue that one sense is somehow of more value universally than another. Certainly a great piece of music can incite emotion and inspire awe, but any more so than a magnificent landscape? They’re all senses, people! By their very nature they are ‘shallow’, if you choose to use so pretentious a word (the word disgusts me, and I won’t use it, because it implies that those who immerse themselves in the experiences of this amazing world are somehow inferior). The only reason that any of these experiences can touch us emotionally is because it is through our apparently shallow senses that we understand our world- the only connections we can make with others are through what we touch, hear, smell, see of them. I do not, and have no desire to imagine that my ‘soul’, the inner person that I am, is somehow detached from my physical self, and that it can somehow connect with other souls by remote. Apart from being logically absurd, it is too cold and disdainful a philosophy for me. To be some elevated being of pure rationality holds no appeal to me. And in case you’re wondering why I think it logically absurd, let me explain. If the inner person that we are was separate from our sensations and our physically being, then how could our experiences of this world so change who we are? The child who has known pain no one should ever know can become someone they might otherwise never have been, but if their personality were enclosed in a bubble of dualist soul no such effect would be apparent.

Anyway, I’m babbling so I’ll shut up now.
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