Feb 08, 2005 00:57
Things of note in recentia:
Went for drive yesterday. It was rather boring on account of the fact that my mother is convinced I'm going to crash her car, rather unfairly, I think. Comment if you are a good driver, or alternatively a crappy driver.
Remembered yesterday that top acts audition is Saturday, then promptly forgot until just now, meaning have lost a day in which I could have practiced, but doesn't really matter given that I learnt the whole thing in two days to begin with, so will probably manage. Comment if you are auditioning for top acts, or if you resent people who are auditioning for top acts, or if you couldn't care less either way.
Had depressing realisation that am doomed to be alone on valentine's day yet again. Will retaliate by forming club of people who have spent at least 18 years alone on valentines day. I may lower this limit to 17 in the interests of those who have yet to reach 18 if they so wish. Comment here to join! Otherwise I will have a tragic loser club of one, which, while appropriate, is less fun than more.
Have been wearing my purdy elven ring around constantly, on account of being a bit odd, and have actually discovered that my short hair bits are quite fun. If you have an elven ring, or indeed a ring of any sort, comment. Also, if you have hair.
Comment, dammit!