Apr 12, 2005 16:46
di·a·ry n. pl. di·a·ries
1-A daily record, especially a personal record of events, experiences, and observations; a journal.
2-A book for use in keeping a personal record, as of experiences.
Notice to all who may give a hoot.
I have desided I am not going to post anything of any consiquence in this particular journal any longer. AKA personal and or things that happen in life that might have an empact on daily life. Quizs, funny things and good times only will be posted here.
I do however, have another journal that is already up and running on livejournal, so I will be posting there. Should I choose to let any of said people who have this journal know where it is, consider yourself lucky (and/or Steve or another App person. Cause high school life is past for them and I doubt they care about all the drama).
I'll still reply to friends posts and things such as this.
Who knows, may I'll change my mind later....maybe. It depends how things go...yeah.
Oh, and aparently I do nothing but talk about Mat anyway...who wants to read about that?
Imgaine that, this is a journal. Er-go, I can post what I want.
*note* The post that started all this bull shit has been un-blocked with editing. I thought it was best.