May 28, 2004 12:33
yesterday was the last day of the mini-sememster it was a quick class, i like it because we would be test on the info. when it was fresh in my mind. there's was one thing i didn't like. we had to do two team projects with the prof. picking our team members. and we also needed to present it front of the class. the first one was great, met nice people and we all worked great together. the second team was hell. there was this girl that was a huge bitch that wanted to do everything by herself. i didn't mind that, but the part i didn't like was that she didn't want to show me her work. want to see it to know what to say when presenting it. and she treated me like i was a child. i respect everyone i met but i do treat a person the same way they treat me, good or bad. so this girl saw the true bad side of me, i even gave her the hand and told her off in front of the class. Raul couldn't believe his eyes. the good thing was we still got an A for the project because the prof. wanted to show us that in the real working-world we are going to work with people that we are going to love and also with people that we really hate.
Imagine if she became my future boss. nooooo