Yes, today has been an lousy and a good day. I got in bed around 00.30, and I got up at 12.25 as the lazy bum I am. I installed the game "Condemned: Criminal Origins", wich is an game that mixes alot of Se7en and CSI, with some fps and some supernaturalstuff. Scary as hell, exciting as few games, I played in almost the entire day. It was so exciting so I almost couln't stop playing, I had to find out about the serialkillers and stuff ^^ Then dad+mom came home and I forced everybody to celibrate that I quit school(before the summer vacation) so I made my dad buy a small cake ^^ We had tacos and then the cake, then I finished the game after dinner, and I was so fucking dissapointed in the ending that I couln't believe what I had experienced! what a crap ending! GAH.
Then I surfed around the net as usual, looked up some stuff on closet child, and found out that nothing on there would fit me X__x