A little positivity

Mar 21, 2011 11:11

So a couple days ago, I wrote an entry. When I went to post it, LJ had an error and deleted the entire thing.  Oh well. It was a super negative post but I got out all that I needed to out. After all, thats what writing in here is for. Right?

Here is whats going on with the girls lately.


She turns 2 in a month and a half. Where has the time gone?? I remember her being little and now all the sudden, shes so big. She's picky, hard headed, strong willed, sassy, a love bug, wonderful big sister, loves her sissy, talks all day, prefers the out doors, counts everything, tries to sing, and loves to dance. She's so smart. I think its time to try and start potty training, though I am waiting for her to show some interest or at least communicate when shes going potty. We try sitting on the potty at least through out the day so she gets use to it. I feel like I may have waited too long. Then again every child is different. Harlee has done things when shes ready and I am a firm believer in doing so. Of course I will push her to do things that are best for her, but I do not believe in completely forcing her unless its a dire situation. Her personality doesn't work that way.   She is in the terrible twos. Who ever made it seem like I still had a month and a half left of my baby being an angel was a big deceiver. I was ill prepared for these tantrums and her telling me no.  Though hearing her say "mommy mommy" and giving me kisses, makes everything worth it. Melts my heart.


Oh my goodness she is already 6 months old. It feels like yesterday I had her. She's amazing. Always smiling, stands for lengthy periods of time, loves to hang her head upside down, thinks her sissy is the funniest person ever,  babbles on and on, squeals when excited, rubs her eyes when shes sleepy,  and watches everything intently.  Right now we are trying to move on to baby foods. We tried carrots but that didn't work. I don't think she was ready. So we are focusing on cereal an oatmeal. She makes the funniest faces. It seems though that this morning when I fed it to her she didn't really mind. Though most of it did end up on the bib, I think we are making progress. She has been exclusively breastfed for 6 months and 6 day (since she was born). I'm trying to start pumping so that I can work. It's bitter sweet. I love being able to feed her. I love how she stops eating just to look up and smile at me. Melts my heart. I hate having to stop. I'm just glad I have been able to do it for this long. I am scared I will lose my supply when I start working, but I guess we will see. So far, pumping is going well. I have milk stored which is a nice feeling.

I am completely head over heels for my girls. They  are beyond amazing. I still look at them and am in awe knowing that they are my children. I am so grateful that I am their mother. I thank God every day for blessing me with such beautiful children.  They are constantly teaching me as much as I am teaching them.                                                                                       
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