Today's my aunt's lunar calendar birthday, so we went out for din-din. It was good. I drove home, and it was shaky, but not too bad. But driving home from Hwy. 7 at 7pm isn't that difficult.
Anyway, so, over the course of dinner, and at home, I have talked with both my aunts and Uncle Bill (via email) about university. Unfortunately for me, the only solid advice they could give me was something I knew already.
That the only one who can help me is myself.
The cut is to a long university related ramble. Needed to sort out some thoughts. Not that it helped.
So, that poses a problem. I know I'm going to talk to my parents too, but I know for sure that apart from Dad being adamant I toss my ass in U of T if I'm not doing journalism, he won't be able to help much either. Mom, on the other hand, being the very opinionated and independent sort of woman she is, will probably be something like my other aunt. Covering many options with me, asking me questions that will make me think, and in the end merely exasperate herself because the discussion would still come full circle.
My other aunt (with some ad libs from my cousin) managed to get me to consider at least something though. Basically, if I hate chemistry this much and have little aptitude for the sciences in general, I shouldn't be taking them or looking to them for a career choice.
I guess... humanities here I come after all? I don't know what to do with chemistry. If I drop, then I'm in trouble if I suddenly change my mind. Again.
Still iffy about journalism. Very iffy. But getting in the program would be hard enough, come to think of it.
The two of them also suggested the mildly easier route of just majoring in some form of English, getting a strong hold of Japanese, and shipping my ass there to teach. Like Eunice, basically. My other aunt also suggested Korea. I laughed, because me learning Korean will be... I don't know. Just... yeah. The only issue is, going to Japan or any other foreign country alone takes a lot of independence that I don't currently possess. So that option is then very, very iffy.
I deduced that my aunt was basically in the same situation I'm in when she was getting out of high school. But she went into nursing because she was capable of it, and it was a sort of "I don't really like it, but meh" deal. Apparently, when in doubt, it is often a good choice to go into nursing. I don't want to, nor am I able to handle it. Ergo, that leaves me stuck in a rut.
I think the only thing that is for sure, is that I'm pretty much screwed.
I can now add "Definitely has no future" onto my list of current sources of headache. One more can't hurt much. =D