This meme has been circulating! And I'm giving myself another 15 minutes before I have to make myself workworkwork for the next 10 hours or however long it takes to get my bloody assignment done. Therefore it is meme-time. WHOOPWHOOP.
You know how sometimes people on your friendslist post about stuff going on in their life, and all of a sudden you think "Wait a minute? Since when were they working THERE? Since when were they dating HIM/HER? Since when???" And then you wonder how you could have missed all that seemingly pretty standard information, but somehow you feel too ashamed to ask for clarification because it seems like info you should already know? It happens to all of us sometimes.
Please copy the topics below, erase my answers and put yours in their place, and then post it in your journal! Please elaborate on the questions that would benefit from elaboration. One-Word-Answers seldom help anyone out. (:
1. First Name: Twiggy :D I honestly have no idea if anybody doesn't know this. I plaster my dumbass name everywhere which is probably bad. But in case you really don't know, yes it's my real name, no I didn't "choose it myself" or something, yes I'm named after the supermodel-of-the-same-name-even-if-it-isn't-her-real-name. :Dv
2. Age: ... 21??? I always have to think about this for a while because I always forget and by the time I know for sure what my age is it's almost another birthday. /o\
3. Location: TORONTO. CANADA. YAY. Okay actually I live in the uptown suburban neighbourhood of Thornhill which nobody knows about unless you're
chim__chim and actually live in Thornhill too. Basically it's the area next to Richmond Hill with all the white people??? idk. Alternatively it's just... Markham or something. WHATEVER, THORNHILL IS AWESOME OKAY.
4. Occupation: Full-time failure at life/waste of space. Uhhh yeah I'm a 4th year co-op student specializing in psychology at the University of Toronto Scarborough and I have no idea what to do with the rest of my life although I'm getting dangerously close to graduating! :D
5. Partner?: Thanks to all the people who've done this meme before me, I actually understand this question to mean "romantic partner" because I'm dumb like that. *facepalm* BUT YEAH, NO. N/A. I'm about as virginal as it gets. No first kisses, no real first dates, no nothing. :D GO ME. I expect to continue this trend until I'm buried in the ground at the rate things are going, seeing as I will not become any less weird over time.
6. Kids: AW HELL NO. D: I am, unfortunately, selfish as all fuck and I know it. The concept of having children also sets off all kinds of squicks (like germs and parasitism and the concept of what is probably equivalent to pissing out a watermelon) for me, so no thank you. ):
7. Brothers/Sisters: I tend to forget this, having lived out essentially my whole life as an only child, but I do have a half-sister who's like... 14 years younger than me. I usually need to count her age on my fingers when asked about how old she is. Thankfully my parents probably don't know that LJ exists, otherwise they'll realize how uncaring and bitter I am. :D
8. Pets: FISH. Right now I'm left with Joker!Fish, Harley, and Quinn, who are Wakins, and Guildenstern is the little common goldfish we bought at Walmart a couple years ago for 9 cents or something and somehow is getting along just fine with fish 3 times his size. Unlike Rosencrantz. ;__; I miss Rosencrantz. I have had many fish. Hell, I have a whole LJ tag devoted to my fish and their weird antics.
9. List the 3-5 biggest things going on in your life:
Need to haul ass to passport office tomorrow omg /o\
I've been growing out my hair for about a year now and it is a pain because I've never had long hair before. ):
... replaying FFVIII? Does that count? D:
Uhhh yeah idk. Notice all the things I listed are basically not interesting at all because I'm really dull.
10. Parents: MY PARENTS ARE DEAAAAAAAAAAADD-okay, no they're not. Okay maybe one of them is. It's a long story and I reckon that I have weird complexes and abandonment issues because of my familial arrangements? But I still have a metric fuckton of parental figures in my life so I think I turned out okay. :D
11. Who are some of your closest friends? LOL I'M TEMPTED TO SAY I HAVE NO FRIENDS but that would be lying I guess. ): hitotsu and cruel_disorder I became friends with in high school even though we rarely had classes together? The latter also convinced me to get an LJ in the first place lolol. Either way, I like to think that somehow I'll be in touch with my group of high school friends for the rest of ever; they kind of adopted me??? I mean, they were a bunch of friends from a different elementary school and I was this weird social outcast then somehow cruel_disorder quite literally pulled me into the group in high school... UM. YEAH. It's been 7(?) years??? D:
WOW THAT TOOK LONGER THAN EXPECTED. And I sound like such a retard because I'm high off of... air or something, idk. OKAY TIME TO READ MORE ARTICLES YEAHHHHHHHHHHH