So after skip=?129083219874 I am semi-caught up with the lives of my friends list. For those of you wearing sadfaces of late, I send you many many many hearts and internet cookies and e-hugs! ♥!
Re: Today - I cried when we got to the airport D: Not omgbawlingkthnx, but enough to make my dad go all sadface. Epic failure! I blame the early hour with bringing my dad to the airport this morning. Tiredness/hunger makes me more prone to crying spells. The past few times in recent years I've managed to send my dad off with a mostly straight-if-not-fakely-happy-face, but I failed today /o\
And then me and the aunt got home and I crawled in bed and didn't come out for a couple hours.
Am totally not going to work today because I am all *emodepressed* and if my eyes suddenly well up with tears at random moments during the afternoon (AND I KNOW IT HAPPENS because I'm semi-doing that now) it's going to seriously hinder my productivity and also leave a pretty awful impression on everyone at work >_>;
Okay I'm done. [/pathetic]
Re: Mother's Day, these past couple years I've thought of making a long and introspective post (unless I made one without remembering I made one last year) but my timing will be way off if I did it now D: Besides,
myreasoninlife made an amazing kirakira Mother's Day entry that I can't possibly top. *gives lovely child many hugs*
Speaking of lovely children!
myreasoninlife and
hikarichang managed to meet up last Saturday for ~*~family bonding time~*~ since we haven't seen each other in... a long time and it makes me sad D: There was much rain which caused much exclamation! And we suspect that Focus puts diuretics in their really-very-unappetizing beverages because within the 4 hours we were basically legally loitering and listening to pop music and complaining about the messed up microphones, the three of us must have gone to the bathroom around 13-15 times which is really... unnatural.
Also, I think I'm still trying to process the after-effects of that wretched curry I had at dinner. I am never eating at that Vietnamese place again.
I still have yet to clean my fish tank. Urk.
In video game-ish news, I think I'll be needing to spend some time with the PS2 I have obtained. I mean, I'm only 10 years late to the party and it's impossible to find anything now, after all. *facepalms* Everyone asks me why I didn't invest in a PS3 instead, and my answer to that is that it's still too expensive even though I seem to make a habit of having expensive hobbies and I'm too used to never having a recent console. Or something.
Mostly, I'm just afraid that if I'm too up to date, the temptation to throw a lot of money and time at new games will render me very poor and even more procrastinatory than I am already, which is dumb because my handhelds suck all the productivity out of me anyway. And now I have my dad's PSP to tinker with on top of my DS. D:
SPEAKING OF PSP. I hadn't been paying any attention to what games were available for it since... I kind of figured I'd never own one? But oh my god I freaked out when I realized a million years late that there's a remake of Final Fantasy Tactics lnksafasind. It's terrible that I have to thank Ronnie for introducing me to such an awesome game back in high school-of course when I beat it I had to return the damned thing to him and it was already ancient even by PS1 standards so I couldn't exactly go pick up my own copy easily. D:
But I has it now! And I am fondly cooing over the completely-not-improved-at-all camera and lol sound effects when people die on the battlefield. And realizing I need a guide to remind me of how to access all the superior job classes. And weapons. And everything else. And remembering that I have no sense of strategy and this is a strategy game. BUT THAT'S OKAY. Because I loved the story and the shiny improved animated cut scenes and art and voice acting make me go all happy. :D ♥ Also, I was mildly baffled at how shapely Ramza's ass is because I swear I didn't notice it before.
I think I should shut up about all this now because this entry is getting really long. D:
PS. About my last entry about school and such, many thanks to those who commented! It appears that the old calendar archives and ROSI and Degree Navigator hold the answers to all my questions. And frankly I don't give a shit because I'll raise hell if I'm not allowed to graduate for any arbitrary administrative reason :D