Wow, the last time I went this long without updating... well, that was not a particularly good time. But instead, I have just been so bored out of my skull by school, I have absolutely nothing to say. I'm only updating now because I have a 2000 word work term report I want to hand in... tomorrow. And it's 11:30 and I haven't written a single word of it, and that automatically means I have to procrastinate as much as I possibly can and I suddenly feel like I have a lot to say about school.
I like my profs and my courses this term, more or less. My professor for Developmental Psycholinguistics is... quite nice to look at. 8D But I'll actually have to put in effort into his class and participate at some point because it's worth 10% =_=;
2nd Language Learning... well, my prof looks like a mad professor. And I have no idea what she expects out of us, and half the time she isn't that good at explaining either (it's just that having taken psycholinguistics and too much psych for my own good has given me a pretty solid grasp of all the basic stuff we've covered). But she's nice, so meh. I just don't get why she made us all pay her $2 for handouts. D:
My textbook for Psychology and the Law is called Forensic Psychology and we will talk about police and criminals and stuff, which automatically means it sounds really frickin' awesome, and the prof is not bad either. However, I've fallen asleep in both my lectures so far. *facepalm*
And finally, Advanced Personality Psych, I have been hoping to have Fournier as my prof since before I started school here, that's how much I think he's awesome. And he hasn't given us a textbook and we do article readings instead which he puts up online so we save money! I'll just ignore the fact that I'll have to put in effort in this class! :D Fournier's just interesting and neurotic and awesome and looks really young. D: And also like, 5 foot 3 or something. I want to put him in my pocket and carry him off because he's tiny and spastic.
He couldn't get the mic to work for half the lecture and was stuck using the podium mic and he was practically going insane because... he seems to have some kind of compulsive need to pace around frantically while talking. He says that his IQ directly corresponds to the amount of pacing he does. And he was all :D :D :D when he told us he got tenure.
But... I nearly fell asleep in his class today too. I think the case in both this class and for Psych & the Law is the dim lighting. Dim lighting = Me go sleep now, kthnxbai. I think I need to shine a flashlight into my face for the rest of the semester. /o\
In other news, I showed my aunt Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog and she really liked it... up until the ending. Quote, "I was giving this an 'A' grade throughout the first parts even though I had no idea what was going on half the time. BUT THIS ENDING GETS AN 'E'. *angry face* I DON'T LIKE IT. IT SUCKS."
Nevertheless, she'd be willing to rewatch it because even though I offered her the soundtrack, she thinks the songs are experienced best with the actual video. I don't know if I should be happy to be enabling her, because I had to hear her sing, "I FEEEEEEL YOUUUU JOANNNNNNNAAAAA" for months after watching Sweeney Todd. I kinda wonder what she'll end up singing from this...