Jul 01, 2008 10:39

So, to all my fellow Canuckleheads, HAPPY CANADA DAY. I always think that somewhere, somebody makes a giant birthday cake with over 200 candles to celebrate the country's birthday and makes a really big party. But Idk, I don't know anyone who does it. D:


IMPORTANT PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: So during previews, they showed this thing called Beverly Hills Chihuahua. I WANTED TO GOUGE MY FUCKING EYES OUT. alskdnaiowndkls Why Disney could stoop so damned low to make something so horribly bad it isn't even funny is... well, it's beyond me. BUT GOOD LORD KEEP IT AWAYYYYY.

Non-Spoilery Bits: The animation and graphics are pretty flippin' insane nowadays. D: I HAVE NEVER BEEN SO ENTHRALLED TO SEE DIRT IN MY LIFE. Most of the first part of the movie, I was just... "THAT IS AMAZING DIRT AND GARBAGE WHOAAAA". I don't even want to think about how long it took to render all the details in each environment. THERE WERE A LOT OF GREAT DETAILS YOU GUYS D: But honestly. The DIRT.

While on the topic of visuals, I guess it was weird to see live action human "recordings" in the movie, alongside the animated characters. I suppose I could interpret it as a way of letting the messages in the movie hit closer to 'home' and our current reality or somesuch, but it's hard to say. Mostly it was a little jarring to see, although it was also interesting to have that kind of contrast in the movie?

Speaking of contrast (yes I'm probably just going to keep segueing between things), Eve and Wall-E are such a cute pair. I know that was the whole point, but I really do like how personality-wise and also stylistically, they're very distinct. And it's very apparent in their character development, even though I can count the words they "speak" on one hand. Literally. But I liked that too! Pixar's short films are really good at telling stories and building characters without any dialogue, so it was wonderful to see so much of that wordless storytelling at work in a feature film. I was kind of disappointed when human characters showed up and there was more talking >:

But at the very least, pretty much all of the humour had nothing to do with dialogue, and it wasn't just slapstick either. It was witty and charming and funnier because of it, I think. :3 LIKE THE SCENES WITH MO.

Andddd I guess that's it for the non-spoilery bits because I really don't know what constitutes spoilers. D:

Okay, one thing that kind of bothered me through my general "suspension of disbelief" was how everyone could just start standing up. Especially after they showed the "loss of bone density" *coughahem* in all the obese people on the ship. Seriously, you can't just haul yourself up to your feet like that. DDD: I know, it's inspiring in a way and it was important to have it in the movie, but dude, what. D:

But speaking of people getting up, when the captain got to his feet first to stop the Autopilot, I liked that the struggle didn't feel like another, "O HEY, ROBOTS ARE GONNA KILL US ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL" kind of deal. More than anything, the whole story was a matter of, "Okay, humanity fucked things up, now we have to grow a spine and fix it", and the robots were really kind of like a byproduct of how we messed up, and not so much why we screwed up. They were just following their "directives", and even then, their orders never forced them to do anything particularly morally reprehensible. Okay, maybe Autopilot was basically crushing Wall-E, but as, "HOLY FUCK NOOOOOO" as the situation was, I didn't feel like Autopilot was the "Bad Guy". I know I am being confusing but I fail at articulating how I feel about this, seriously. D:

Anyway, while Wall-E was the one who kind of stirred change with his adorable personality and "human" nature, I liked that in the end, people stood up (literally) for their own future instead of having everything done for them, since that was really the whole point. Reliance on robots and on the Axiom had kind of slackened everybody, and it was time to pick up the pace again. It was really cute how amazed John and Mary were with EVERYTHING when they were "unplugged from the Matrix" so to speak. Same with the Captain looking up everything about Earth. And even after the Captain vs. Autopilot struggle, it still felt like it was a partnership between humans and robots that might have gone a little off-kilter when humans became too lax to hold up their own end of the partnership, but got steered back on course. Yayyyy. Robots still had a place, obviously, but you know, it wasn't an unbalanced sort of existence anymore.

Moving on, Wall-E and Eve's 'romance' was just... oh gawd, it pains me how much I adore them. ;__; ♥ Eve is very much the kind of kick-ass woman that you can't help but love, and Wall-E is also the nervous dork that you can't help but love too. I guess it's kind of classic how the nervous dork winds up touching the badass woman's heart and while she gets exasperated with him at times, she also goes way out of her way to protect him, but maybe because it's in a pair of cute robots who hardly even say anything to each other apart from names, everything tugs at the heartstrings more? OR IT DOES FOR ME AT LEAST. Come on, that whole "dancing through the stars" bit with Wall-E using a fire extinguisher to propel himself? asldnapsndklas LOVE. How sweet was it when Eve was rewatching all the security camera footage and seeing how Wall-E was watching over her the whole time she was in stasis? SERIOUSLY.

I was so distressed every time Eve was all, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO WALLLLLL-EEEEEEEEEEE". ;A;

Finally, I saw it coming when Eve fixed him that Wall-E would revert back to his original "directive" without any of his past persona, and that Eve would somehow "spark" something back into him. It would've been a much darker ending if Wall-E didn't "come back", certainly. I think that while it was a cliche kind of ending, it was something that the audience really wants to happen, realistic or not. I mean, it's already dark enough that they did decide to damage Wall-E so damned much in the film, and actually, one of the kids in the theatre in our row was telling her mom that she was scared. :x I don't know, I think that Pixar did a really good job of really endearing the characters to you in the story, and by the end, you just need that happy ending for them.

Andddd I don't know what else to add now.


oh canada!, reviews, movies, wall-e!

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