Dec 06, 2007 16:48

The title of this post has nothing to do with its content, really.

I am just really happy I finally beat Phoenix Wright while eating my lunch today! 8D Last case was pure winnar. Mmhmm. It's rare that I get so excited over games that aren't Pokemon ^^;

So I woke up late this morning with a weird sort of mild headache, which is still persisting right now. If I get up too fast I get a bit dizzy. Seriously, if I'm getting residual brain damage or something because of all the blowing I did while playing PW yesterday, I will have reached yet another milestone in my ability to fail at life.

Also, it is my aunt's friend's birthday today; however when she stopped by our house for a while earlier this afternoon, I sensed some... tension. I may be overreading things, but even so, it's not as if it won't blow over of its own accord and I'd never dare ask about it anyway because it's none of my business. Moo.

Yes. For those of you newer to my LJ existence, I do use my LJ like a daily diary sort of deal, hence all the meaninglessly trivial drivel and complaining you get spammed with on a daily basis. :Dv *is apologetic, but not ashamed*

Anyway, doomsday is tomorrow morning and I feel really unprepared. D: Time flies when you're trying really hard not to fail something! Whoooooooosh~

Probably taking a hiatus this weekend to prep for Developmental Psych. This time, I'm pretty damned serious about not breaking it. If anybody sees me online and/or making comments on LJ, kick me off. Immediately. :D

... I think this is probably not the best song for me to be listening to right now. >_>;

phoenix wright, hiatus, school, blah, real life

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