Yeah. I hate snow. Nice when it's falling from the sky all slow and pretty-like in nice large flakes, onto a scenic, empty field to cover it in a pure white blanket and all that poetic jazz, but when it's being dumped down in a white blaze of fury like a choir of angels are having bad diarroea upstairs, no.
Just no.
School closed at 5pm today. But I still got home at 7pm. Took me 2 hours to drive home today. God. On Markham Rd., my speed didn't even register on my spedometer. I think I could've outwalked traffic. And the snow had died down then too, wtf. And then on 14th, I had my car sucked into various snowtrails left by the cars that had come before me, allowing me to alternately swerve dangerously towards the curb and other traffic. Beautious.
After the white purity of a fresh snowfall has been trampled, shovelled, and plowed through beyond recognition, the only word that I can always associate with winter (apart from the obvious "cold") is dirty. Winter is a dirty season.
I must agree with Keita though, it's just so damned easy to write the character for winter and it is also a nice looking word, so it's its only redeeming aspect.
And because of the crazy snows today, Chibi Snowman got buried! D: My aunt shovelled once, and saved him (although he lost an arm and had to get a replacement), and when I came home, I shovelled once, and saved him from certain death again, but I have no idea how well he'll take on freezing rain overnight...
My neck and shoulders hurt from being in the car for so long. Bah. Doesn't help that my bloody hood always gets in the way and makes things worse. BAH.
Also, last two midterms next week. Am SO dead. XD" So far I've screwed up myth and landed with a 76%, I was mindblown that I got a 85% on syntax, and found out today that I managed to pull off an 80% on psych (which is actually a bit better than last term since I was bumped up two marks that time). Not as great as last term overall so far I think, since I pulled off a pair of 90-somethings in linguistics and myth back then (I still don't get how the hell I crapped up so BADLY this time).
We'll see how things go. I also think I screwed up that English essay I did like a month ago. Bah.