(no subject)

Apr 18, 2006 20:56

I am still hiatus-ing. Really. LJ whoring is difficult when you're attempting to fight off an impending fever, school being a biatch as per usual, and having family over at the same time, so haven't been able to keep up with everybody. >__o; I STILL LOVE YOU. I PROMISE. ♥

Yes. Clearly, word has spread that I have my prom dress. I just need to work out a way of de-scarring my whole body so I don't disgrace the dress as much. And I hate my haircut.

Bought a wayyyyy overpriced copy of Junon (Apr/06, Chinese) too. I will share some of the more amusing w-inds. tidbits sometime. ... though flipping through the whole magazine itself, it kinda scares me how much I learned about Japanese teenagers having sex at school. o__o; Junon talks about sex a lot, despite its innocent image.

Oh. And meme.

The Secrets Meme

Rules: Reveal 5 secrets. Do not use specific names. Tag 5 people when you are done.

1.) I wear my heart on my sleeve, but I freeze-dry or bottle up everything that is not suitable for public viewing.

2.) When I like somebody in that way, I'm really, really obvious about it.

3.) I'm a shameless attention whore. I adore attention. I crave attention. Every day is a show for me. If I write out emo-tastic crap on LJ, I want sympathy. If I'm whining about it or if I look depressed, I want comfort. But if I don't want the attention, I will see no point in moping about. Refer to #1.

4.) I find it so much more interesting to learn secrets than to tell people my own. My secrets are boring anyway.

5.) I like to cheat on memes sometimes. I'm essentially cheating on this one right now, I think.

... I am still on hiatus. Honest. *runs off to do English*
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