Nov 14, 2004 18:51
Dont you hate it when you find yourself liking someone that you can't be with. well thats my situation I have found someone that I am really beginning to like a lot. It's weird cause i find myself thinking of her a lot and I really dont even hang out with her or anything but I just think about first it was an interest and its growing stronger. It feels great to find this girl that I like this much problem is I dont know if she would give up what she has to be with me. But believe it or not guys Matt Faulk has a big crush lol..
Work is aight hopefully only a little while longer and then a job maybe at like home depot or something..
Been hanging with the best friend rob, the zollers, josh&brit, and the rest of the band..its been fun as usual
And im not going away for college gonna be stickin around and just go to UCF cause i Love you guys to much lol later guys..