O man I am so tired already, this concept line development is killing me, my goal is to be finish by next Tuesday so I can print so I wont be tripping on the night before. About 8 more days until summer break and can not fucking wait. I even took a week off from starfucks so I can do well.
I am seizing this opportunity right now to update or else I’ll never get to it. Pretty much the same old shit, for the last weeks or so. Been working, and school and trying to sneak some fun in between. O shit did I mention I went to the Academy show and was a couple yards of muslin away from MCQUEEN !!!
Work has been alright, my boss is gone and now we have a new one, I do miss Cathy, but I seem to get along with Bernice so it is all good. As for school I got two major projects due on the 16th aside from my computerized patternmaking and my online econ. So pretty I have been a busy fucker. Lucky Filip is done June 13……
Besides all the hard work I try to sneak so fun, saw X-Men 3, went to SF MOMA , had a picnic I am sorry young that _______ did show up, what a punk huh!?
Last Friday I had dinner with Young in Japan town, then Saturday, the gang decided to meet up Sarah Os place and then do a the 3 Ds drink dance and drugs ahhh I love it…
academy fashion show
fashion forum
b4 heading to the club
outside sarah Os apartment
sarahs and young
smoke break
drunk in the trunk
the infoumas wall
so i had fun weekend, yesterday i came to school and was supposed to work but chilled with filip in the afternoon, have not done that for awhile, getting a tan in union square, magazine hopping, lunch coffee and smokes ahhhhh a beautiful combination...