Dec 30, 2005 23:47
But until now I have had nothing to post about. But thanks to michael and my lovely new Icon (tm) I have something useles to talk about. What you are looking at is the old sight of the LAPD police museum where for some twisted reason they decided to bolt an old police cruzer (very simular to mine) to the wall. Its kinda like that building in the city that has the furniture on the wall... but its a whole car. I figured it fitting to me.
Today I read the latest posting from the Katie of now sacramento or something, and it made me feel the need to say something simular in mine. I am by nature a very social creature. For me friends and relationships make the world turn. I wanted to take a moment to thank all of you who ever bother to read this bland and boring little blog of mine. And I wanted to especially thank those of you who bother to post things in responce to my rantings. I realize that most of what I do on here is talk about how lonely my life has been since I lost Lindsay, and how my attempts to rectify that situation end in one cruching failure after another. But I want that to in no way deminish the respect and love I have for all of you who are all my few true friends. I wouldnt be here withough your support. If it wasnt for you people I would be an even larger miserable wreck or worse. While odds are good the only thing of interest that happens to me are the desasters that I call my an attempt at a love life, I will attempt to not dwell on that and come up with interesting things to say. Who knows maybe I will even come across someone that would be willing to let me take care of, love, and adore them... Then all I would ever say on here would be how happy I am :). I know too much of my life revolves around relationships, and I am trying to fix it, but what can I say I'm me.
In other news im sick as hell at the moment. I hope I get better by tomarrow because I have a party to go to, and while I normally hate parties I am in fact looking forward to going up to getting jiggy with it (or whatever it is kids do these days) at Michaels. Shoud be a hoot and a half.
Now I am off to go make sure I still havent received any emails in any of my accounts.
Update: Yup... No emails still