today was pretay kool. my team went to the high school, omg i cant wait
for the high school, except for the fact that i have no friends older
then me really lol, like i kno people, but i wouldnt say we are
actually friends, more of a kinda hey whats up type of thing. But n e
ways, i was in a group with steven, joe, ethan, victoria kansaas and
jess. Me and Jess like just talked the whole time during the tour lol
it was fun, joe was being fricken annoying oh my god but o well.
uh then we came back to the school around mod 7. Mod 8 me, nolly
and ino had a little partay instead of being in class cuz General Music
is extremly boring lol, so we all left class at the same time =P woot.
then we saw mike, and i talked to him for a little then eventually made
my way back to class.
and then mod 9 was quite funny. Dana broke ANOTHER computer and the key
off of some thing lol, it was funny. Mrs. levine was just having like a
yelling rampage going on, she like spazzed on ino lol and then after
she kept me and dana late and lectured us about the time on a pass,
lmao we tryed so hard not to laugh, lol it was bad.
then after we had a softball game vs. Dover. I ACUALLY DID REALLY GOOD
=D. lol i havnt in a bit. I hit good and i played the whole game, WOOT
me and lauren making the FIRST double play of the season, ((i think
idk)), i caught the ball and threw it two first getting both ppl out,
yay. Lol brittney was back today so the bus ride was fun with us 4
again lol, haha the square of despair.
okay. bye lol