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Feb 25, 2005 15:39

Josh R's House

February 21st

It was a big tournament at Josh's house. We have 14 people playing, so it was a two table game. I was with the Hoff brothers, Mike M, Josh J and Tom W. The first table went well, good play on my part and I ended up going to the final table with about 25k in chips.

Once I get to the big table I get a 5 6 suited and the flop gives me an open ended straight possiblity. It was 2 7 8, no flush possibility on the board. There are some very large bets, but with this many people in the hand and a powerful draw on the board I stay in the hand. Pot odds dictated this. The next card comes up as a 10. There was more large betting and I stayed in the hand without thinking of what would happen if I did hit my 9 to make the straight, (even though a 4 still would have been great). The river comes a 9, and I don't realize until now, but there is 4 to a straight on the board and I have the low end of the straight. Now all someone needed was a J to take the pot, but I had already put a lot of money in the pot so I go all in (I have more chips than anyone in the hand). Anthony calls with the jack hoping that I didn't have the JQ. This put a huge dent in my stack so I go on tilt and go all in on the next couple hands until I go out. There was only 6 people left in the tourny, I was 2nd in chips, but risked a huge amount of money for no reason. My last bet doubled the pot, which was way too much. I could have got away with checking and then calling anthonys bet of 2 or 3k.

Once again I am acting too fast when betting or calling large bets. I didn't realize that after the 10 came, me hitting a 9 was close to worthless since I would be hitting the small end of the straight. I got mad since I didn't realize this until it was too late and made a stupid bet which put me out of the tournament. I only had to wait out 3 more people to get my money back at the very least.
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